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This is my first blog post on my blog, Music, Mystery, Middle Earth, and Mitochondria. I just want to say I hope you will continue to read this blog, pop in for a visit here and there, and enjoy all the nerdy things I post on it. I hope my geekiness isn’t too annoying for you all. ;-D
Tea is at four, but all of you are welcome at any time.
Hope you have a wonderful day!
~Middle Earth Musician~


  1. *writes down 'tea time' on my to-do list for four o'clock*

  2. Hello cabin-mate! So glad you joined us here on Blogger! Look forward to seeing more posts from you soon!


    1. Hello! :-D So glad you are looking forward to it!

  3. Yay! I'm so glad you're on blogger :) Can't wait to see your posts fellow cabin mate!

    Anna -

  4. *jumps in through an open window* Heyooo! Your new blog looks awesome and I can't wait to see what you do with it! :D

    1. XD Hello Sarah! Yay, I'm glad you think it's awesome!!!

  5. Hi middl earth musician!:)
    I love your new blog


  6. Hey! *crashes in through the roof*
    Nice new blog, MiddleEarthMusician! I'm glad to be here!
    *looks up at new hole in the ceiling* Hmm, but that hole is going to need fixing. Maybe I'll just come in through the door next time. XD

    1. Maybe you should... XD It's great that you're here!!! XD


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