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Random Blog Party Part 2: Random Music Video Challenge!

Greetings, all!

Welcome to part two of the Random Blog Party, my friends!!! This blog party is being hosted by myself, MiddleEarthMusician, and the lovely Homeschooledmando (aka H.M.S.). (If you missed part one of the RBP, click here to read!)

Today we are announcing the next addition to this masterpiece of the blogging world.
Drum roll, please!!! 
Please welcome…The Random Music Video Challenge!!!

This music challenge is as follows: you must make a music video no longer than five (5) minutes, based on a known or made-up song, using no conventional instruments.

If you want to participate in our challenge, please follow these rules!


1.       No conventional instruments may be used in the production of this song (examples of conventional instruments: piano, violin, guitar, drum set, bagpipes).
2.       Video must be under five (5) minutes long.  
3.       Any song chosen (made-up or known) must be appropriate for ALL ages (i.e. no swearing, G for general audiences, you get the picture).
4.       Please comment with your video link by 8:00pm MT on April 25th, 2020 (make sure you get the year right, all you time travelers).

If you have any questions, please just ask! We are super excited to see what you guys come up with! We will be posting our own video by the 25th as well and will be using an epic well-known song for our performance. ;-D

Ninjago!   -Homeschooledmando



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