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The Get to Know Me Tag-Writer's Edition

Greetings, all!

I have finally gotten around to posting this tag!!! It has been one of my favorite tags to answer so far. Many thanks to Rachel and Danielle for tagging me!!!*

*(If anyone else tagged me, and I didn’t see it, my sincerest apologies to you, and let me know so I can add you to my list of people who have tagged me.)

The tag was started by Savannah and the rules are as follows:

• Link back to the person who created the tag. (check)
• Thank the person who tagged you. (double check)
• Share the tag graphic. (triple check)
• Tag eleven bloggers. (nope. I think everyone has done this tag already, and if you haven’t, then you are officially tagged now by me. XD)

Vital Stats and Appearance

Name: MiddleEarthMusician, aka Mem. XD (I can’t share my real name on the Internet, sorry.)

Nicknames: I have one nickname that is in relation to my name, and I can’t share it. XP The nicknames I have that are not in relation to my name are “Mem” (Jane's fault XD), “Bug” (family nickname), and “Shoo” (don’t even ask).  

Birthday: April 25th

Hair Color and Length: Brown with red and gold highlights, and about 6 inches below my shoulders.

Eye Color: Erm…green is the closest color I can compare my eye color to. :-Z

Braces\Piercings\Tattoos: I have a piercing on each ear for earrings, as well as braces. (I am hoping to get another ear-piercing right above my current one…we’ll see what my parents say. XD) 

Righty or Lefty: Righthanded, but was born left-handed. (It’s a long story. :-D But I can do multiple things with both hands that most people can’t do with their non-dominate hand.)

Ethnicity: Caucasian and Native American


First Novel Written: The first novel I ever wrote was one called “The Adventure of the Missing Will”, and it was about seven orphaned siblings who live in 19th century London and witness a stranger stealing their parent’s will from the attic. There was an alleyway showdown, a lightening storm in the attic, and a piano recital in my story. Little 11-year-old me was bored and needed a project. XD

First Novel Completed: The one mentioned above. It took me one month to write, and was 5,966 words long. :-D

First Award for Writing: My 2017 Camp Nano certificate. I don’t know if that counts, but I was pretty happy with it. XP

First Publication: When I was 13 I entered a short story contest for a book series that I really enjoy. I won fourth place, and as a result was published in the book that they put out featuring the winners of the contest. (It was my first short story ever, so I was pretty shocked. Still am, as a matter of fact. XD)

First Conference: I HAVEN’T BEEN TO ONE YET. *cries*

First Query\Pitch: Unless you count all the stories I’ve pitched to the lovely IdahoReader, then N\A. 


Novel (that you’ve written): Mission: Metal is my absolute favorite novel that I’ve written. Although Of Seas, Silver, and Shipmates is getting pretty close…:-)

Genre: You aren’t just asking me to pick one, are you??? I can’t do that! XD I enjoy writing Fantasy (especially Dark Fantasy), Sci-Fi, Dystopian, Super Hero, and Pirate\Sea Faring Adventures.

Author: I cannot just pick one! J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, N.D. Wilson, Douglas Bond, S.D. Smith, Anne Elizabeth Stengl, Eoin Colfer, Jules Verne, and Brian Jacques are my favorites. <333

Writing Music: Epic Score and Two Steps from Hell.

Time to Write: Late Evening

Writing Snack\Drink: Gum and chocolate. Ooh, and lemonade. XD

Movie: NOOO!!! NOT ONE!!! I suppose I will just pick my current favorite one (LotR, The Hobbit, Narnia, Star Wars, and Marvel movies don’t count XD). Probably Lady in the Water or The Village. M. Night Shyamalan is an amazing director. <333

Writing Memory: When my character, Liam, from Mission: Metal decided to put himself in my story. That was an interesting day in my writing career. XD

Childhood Book: The Voyage of The Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis.


Reading: Dracula by Bran Stoker and The Ranger’s Apprentice: The Icebound Land by John Flanagan.

Listening To: Nothing at the moment, but the last song I listened to was Something Wild by Lindsey Stirling.

Watching: Not any series, but the movie I last watched was Disney’s Oliver Twist starring Alex Trench and Elijah Wood. It was really cute. :-)

Learning: To loosen up and not think too much about everything. :-Z I am a very intense person, and since both my violin teacher and my Kung Fu master told me on the same day to loosen up, relax, not to think too hard about what I was doing; I suppose I probably should listen. XD


Want to be Published: ABSOLUTELY. WITHOUT A DOUBT.  

Indie or Traditional: Traditional I think…I don’t even know what Indie publishing is…(isn’t Indie a type of music???)

Wildest Goal: I would love to get a book published, a music album released, and to make it to AGT with my Martial Arts dojo. :-D 

Well, that’s over. Your turn to talk!!! What are you currently reading? What is your favorite childhood book? And what is a wild goal that you have? :-D


  1. Great post! It was nice to get to know more about you :)

  2. Woah, that would be so cool if you got on AGT!! And I’ve never heard of Epic Score before, so I might have to check them out!

    Glad to see you did the tag! :)

    1. I know! I really hope to someday with all the kids from my dojo. XD They're awesome! I highly recommend them. :-D
      Thanks!!! :-)

  3. This tag is always so fun to read. :)

    And I love Something Wild by Lindsey Stirling! (It's on multiple writing playlists, actually.)

  4. This was fun to read! Are you tagging anyone (just curious)?

    1. Thanks!!! <3 Nope. XD Would you like to do it? ;-D

    2. No, it probably wouldn't really fit me since I'm not a very serious writer. I like to do it for fun, but I don't have a passion for it. I have too little patience with it, to tell you the truth. XP

  5. This is fun! :) Oooh, I hope we get to read your work soon! Huh, I've never seen anything directed by Shyamalan...I'll have to check them out!

    Indie publishing is what I did with my first book, actually! In my understanding, it's basically any self-publishing, but of course I haven't actually "researched" it. :) I used Createspace, an Amazon company, which was really cool. But that's beside the point!

    The point is, this is a very fun post! :D (Haha, I might have to steal it sometime...:P

    1. Maybe soon...;-D They're really good! But be careful of his newer stuff...they are inappropriate at times. :-Z
      Ah, okay! Cool! Thanks for telling me. XD That's awesome!
      Ooh, yes! I hope you do!!! Thank you Anna!

  6. You've got lots of great answers! Also, I didn't know Disney made a version of Oliver Twist with Elijah Wood and now I need to see it.

    1. Thanks Rachel!!! Yes, they did! It's really good. :-D

  7. YES!! Finally, someone else who loves Brian Jacques!! While I haven't read a lot of his books yet, I really loved the ones I did.

  8. Great answers, MEM! And now that you described your hair, I really want to see a picture of it!!!

    Anyway, I’m currently reading Ozland by Wendy Spinale. It just came out and it’s so good. It’s the third in the series and I feel like there’s going to be more so I’m super excited!

    My favorite childhood book? I have a couple so it’s hard to choose! I really liked A Bad Case of Stripes by David Shannon but I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More! by Karen Beaumont brings so many happy memories <3

    My wildest goal is to live and work in Europe. What can I say? I like to have (almost) impossible goals XD

    1. Thanks Fawnabelle! XD Aw, thanks. :-)
      Ooh, I've never heard of that! I may have to look it up! :-D
      Childhood books are the best. <333
      That is an awesome goal. I hope you get to someday!!!

  9. I really liked reading your answers for this! It's cool that you're part Native American.

    1. Thanks Gray!!! :-D I know!!! I am happy that we are. :-)


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