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Star Wars Character Tag+Exciting Announcment!

Greetings, All!

I was tagged on May 4th by the lovely Kendra Lynne for this Star Wars Character Tag. This tag looks super awesome; I LOVE character tags, and when they’re based off of Star Wars that makes them even better. XD

The rules…


2. Refer To Number 1.

3. There is one absolute rule: You MUST use your own characters (OCs) for this tag. (Brownie points if you add pictures of your characters.)

4. The Sorta Rule: Scream a huge thank you to whoever tagged you for this whilst treating them to a pizza dinner at your favorite pizza chain. (THANK YOU SO MUCH KENDRA!!! *gives you a pizza that is baked in the shape of the Millennium Falcon*)

5. The Kinda Rule: Include This Link In The Post So That The Penny Can Read Everyone’s Answers To This Smol Strange Tag:

6. The Rule That’s Not Really A Rule But It Would Be Great: Include The Graphic and Tag at Least Three Jedi or Sith Lords.

The Star Wars Character Tag

#1 Who’s your Obi-Wan Kenobi? (sassy, a great mentor, but can be a bit strict)

Okay; so he’s not actually in a novel of mine, but Señor Guillermo from my short story Faith Like a Pearl fits this category PERFECTLY. He’s definitely on the sassy side. XP

#2 Who’s your Leia Organa? (feisty, incredible comebacks, does their own thing)

Honestly, Doctor Robert J. Ericson from one of my sci-fi novels, The Ship’s Log. He’s not quite as feisty as Leia; but he does do his own thing and has incredible comebacks when he actually bothers to pay attention to what other people are saying. 

#3 Who’s your Finn? (overeager, adorable, cinnamon roll)

Ian Eden from Mission: Metal, part one of my post-apocalyptic novel. No doubt about it; this child is a cinnamon roll. 

#4 Who’s your Padme? (kind, loving, but also kickbutt)

Elayne Lia, also from Mission: Metal. She’s in her forties and is a mom of three kids; but she is also one of the most proficient empty hand fighters in her world. 

#5 Who’s your Count Dooku? (deliciously evil, extra, and sick burns)

I can’t deny that I’m a little confused by this question. None of my characters have burns.

Oh wait. I could do that to him…mwuahahahahahaha…never mind me. I just got an awesome idea. >:-D

Ahem; deliciously evil would have to go to Necro Dirk, villain in The Ship’s Log. Although Dojan from Mission: Metal would be a close second…

^^^ this is Necro

#6 Who’s your BB-8? (too cute, everyone loves them, can do no wrong)

Jian from Of Seas, Silver, and Shipmates. He finally got written (yay!) and he’s one of my favorites already. The precious child. 

#7 Who’s your Yoda? (underestimated, extra, wise)

Jace from my newly named sci-fi novel, Hood.

He’s amazing. ‘Nuff said. 

#8 Who’s your Anakin Skywalker?  (bratty, rebellious, whiny)

(It’s okay, Anakin. I still love you even though you’re considered bratty and whiny. XD) 

Hehehehehehe…um. I honestly don’t really like writing whiny characters. I think the charrie that I have that complains the most would be Kenneth Fletcher from Hood…but he’s not whiny. XD  

#9 Who’s your C3-PO? (always worrying, gives depressing information, constantly wailing)

Oh, you mean Beeper? He’s actually a robot too. XD

I don’t have a picture for him yet; but he’s in Hood. I can’t tell you exactly what he’s made of either, because spoilers. XD 

#10 Who’s your Luke Skywalker? (hero, has been through a lot, has their share of flaws)

Shae Lia. Heroine of Mission: Metal. She’s the first real character I ever created. She actually kind of reminds me of a darker, more introverted version of Luke. Hmmmm…XD

Aanndd…that’s a wrap!

Now I’m going to go and tag people. The best part. XP 

Anna at Iorhl

Hope you enjoy the tag! may have been wondering what the exciting announcement was that I hinted at in the title of this post. 
I shall now tell you. 

(It's actually not //that// exciting. Just mostly exciting for me. XP)


Ahem. Yes. I am perfectly fine. XD
First draft is done! I'm now going on to edits now. Fun. XD

Anyway; which of your characters is a Padme? BB-8? Who's your most deliciously evil villain?



  1. Ahhhhh this tag was awesome! and congrats on finishing your WIP! That's so awesome <3

  2. YAAAAY YOU FINISHED SS&S AND YOU DID SUCH A GOOD JOB!!! *throws confetti and pizza*

    1. I DID!!! AW, THANK YOU JANE!!! <33 *catches pizza and is showered in confetti* :-D


  4. Oooooh so much fun!!! I am excited to do this tag...

    WOO-HOO, great job at finishing your WIP!!!! :D That's awesome!!! It's a great feeling to finish something that you've put so much work into! :)

    1. Yay!!! I'm glad you are. :-)
      Thank you Anna!!! It sure it. :-D <3

  5. This tag looks AMAZING. YAYYYYY, you finished your WIP [now, McKayla, cool it with the shouting or you'll scare her away]. Hmmmm, I think I'll actually just do this tag soon since another blogger who did this tag said anyone could do it if they wanted to.

    1. I know; right? XD Thank you!!! (hehe; I'm good with shouting. XD) Ooh, yes! Do it!!!

  6. CONGRATS! Finishing something is always such an amazing feeling!

  7. CONGRATS!!! I'm so glad you did the tag. It was fun to read. :)

    1. THANKS YOU!!! I'm glad I did too! It was a lot of fun. :-D

  8. Such an awesome tag! AND CONGRATS!!!! :DD


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