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Wrap Up September, Hello October!

Greetings, all! 

Welp, it’s officially autumn here where I live! The leaves are changing colours, the air is getting crisp, and we have graduated to wearing sweaters at my house. I had a great September! We went on a two-week long camping trip (details to follow), and then came home and relaxed for a blissful few weeks before starting school. Now we’re in October, which happens to be my favourite month, and things are settling down to normal with school and schedules. :-D

September’s Music:

Avengers: Assemble-A Promise by Alan Silvestri 

Ahhh, one of the most nostalgic pieces of music for me. I love the guitar part at the beginning. 

Wanderer’s Lullaby by Adriana Figueroa 

I absolutely adore this song. Her voice is a little high at times for my liking, but the words and music are lovely. Not to mention the title…<333

Fur Elise: Epic Trailer Version by Hidden Citizens

This song. Wow. One of the most famous classical pieces turned into one of the most epic songs I’ve ever heard. Amazing.

September’s Movies:

The Last Airbender 

Rogue One <\3


(How come so many people dislike this movie??? I loved it!!!)

The Jungle Book 

After Earth

Lady in the Water <333

September’s Books:

Tales of Redwall: Martin the Warrior by Brian Jacques

Airman by Eoin Colfer

Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie,

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

September’s Events:

Camping Trip: My family has never gone on a real camping trip with all of us kids, so we bought a tent trailer and decided to hit the road to go to Salt Lake City, Zions National Park, THE GRAND CANYON, Mesa Verde, Dinosaur National Monument, and Four Corners. Yep, we visited all those places in two weeks. XD It was AMAZING. I have now decided that I LOVE camping. <333 Next week I am going to be posting a blog post with pictures and memories from that trip, so you all can see where we went. :-) It was so much fun.

Star Wars in Theater with a Live Orchestra: Yes, you read that right! We bought tickets for my dad and us three older kids to go see Star Wars: A New Hope on the big screen with the Philharmonic Orchestra of our state playing all the music LIVE. IT WAS BREATHTAKING. You don’t truly realize how ASTOUNDING the music of SW is until you hear it live. It was also a big treat for me, because I have never gone to any classical music event and I was SO EXCITED to actually see a live orchestra. I’m trying to persuade my dad to take me to one of their Pop-Hits performances next year…we’ll see how that goes…XD

LotR Day: September the 22nd ACTUALLY CAME and a WHOLE lot sooner than I was anticipating. :-Z I participated in Hamlette's 2018 Tolkien Blog Party, which was just as much fun as last year’s was, and listened to a TON of LotR music. I really have to prepare for it better next year…and I even wrote it on my calendar…XD

September’s Writing:

N\A. Travelling has a way of doing that to your WIPs…:-Z

Your turn to talk! How was your September? Did you watch any good movies? Has anyone else ever been to a movie with live music event? And does anyone else forget things that are written on their calendars? XD



  1. I dread asking this, for fear of learning the answer, but . . . did you end up liking The Last Airbender? (I will wait to state my opinion until afterwards.)

    And I'm with you on Solo - why is that movie getting such a bad rap? Sure, it’s not the best Star Wars movie, but it was still really good!

    Hope you have a great October!

    1. I did!!! I enjoyed it very much. I loved the music, special effects, characters, powers, and diversity. It was amazing. Did you like it? :-D
      I know!!! I love it. <333 Glad to know other people liked it too! ;-D
      Thanks!!! I hope you do too!

    2. ..........when I watched it the first time, I ADORED it.

      But then I watched the TV show that it was based on, and I ADORED the TV show more. And when I rewatched the movie, there were so many differences between the show and the movie that I just couldn’t enjoy it anymore. :( I highly recommend watching the TV show, especially if you liked the movie!

    3. Ah, I see. ;-D That makes total sense. Yeah, I've heard the TV show is really good. I would like to see it someday. :-D Thanks for the recommendation!

  2. Lady in the Water is such an interesting film! I don't think it's Shyamalan's best work, but it certainly was good and it was cool to see how far he's come! I'm so excited for his new movie Glass!!

    Personally, I wasn't the /biggest/ fan of Solo because I felt like a lot of characters fell flat. There was SO MUCH potential for the movie and I went in with high expectations that weren't met. The graphics and CGI were beautiful, the world building was okayish, the actor that played Han was also okay, it just felt really one-dimensional for me personally. If that makes any sense. :P

    1. It is!!! Ooh, yes; I'm excited for Glass too. It's going to be really cool. :-D
      Oh, yeah; your explanations make a lot of sense. :-) I understand your point of view, and yes; I think some of the characters did fall flat. :-( I still love it though. XP
      Hope you have a great October Gray!!!

  3. OH MY GOSH, I LOVE AIRMAN SO MUCH. It's one of my favourite Eoin Colfer books. Have you read Half-Moon Investigations?? It's technically a middle grade book but it's SO MUCH FUN.

    Solo and Rogue One though. <3 I love them both a million.

    I finally watched the first Mission Impossible and YES I LOVED IT TOO. *dies from flailing too much*

    1. Airman was awesome!!! I enjoyed it very much. Haha, yes actually; I just finished Half Moon Investigations. It was cute, and hilarious. Not my favorite of his books but super great anyway. XD He's such a good author.
      YES ME TOO. <333 Rogue One though...<\3 :'-( <3
      Ooh, AWESOME!!! I want to see those movies so bad!!! They sound AMAZING. :-D

  4. Ooh--how was the Jungle Book? (It's been on my To-Watch list for about two years now. :P)

    Sounds like you had a fun September. Hope you have a nice Autumn!

    1. The Jungle Book is REALLY good. I enjoy it very much. You should totally watch it!!! :-D
      I did!!! I hope you do too!!! :-D

  5. Aww, that's amazing you went on a camping! The Grand Canyon sounds AWESOME! :D
    Have a great October!!

    1. It was so much fun. :-D IT WAS!!! I'm so glad we went. XD
      Thanks!!! You too!!! :-)

  6. I would kill to see a movie performed with live music. I've seen it advertised near me, but I haven't had the money to go yet.

    1. I know!!! It was so amazing. They are a little pricey though...:-Z
      Have a great October Rachel!!!

  7. OH MY GOODNESS you got to see A New hope in theatre with a live orchestra??? That's amazing!!! What did you think of Murder on the Orient Express??

    And wow, you read The Hunger Games! How was it?

    I hope you have a spectacular October!

    1. YES I DID!!! It was spectacular!!! I very much enjoyed Murder on the Orient Express. It was really well written, and the characters were highly enjoyable to read. (But Sherlock is still better in my opinion...;-D)
      I did!!! It was...interesting... XD I enjoyed it, but there was a TON of moral dilemmas that weren't always resolved in the best way. Plus there was a lot of teenage romance. :-Z But I enjoyed it, and really liked the characters. I don't know if I would necessarily recommend it for anyone though. :-D
      Thank you!!! I hope you do too. XD <3

    2. Oh yes, I agree. Sherlock Holmes is MUCH better. ;)

      Ooh... sounds like not-the-best-book-in-the-world. :o But even if it had turned out to be an awesome book, I'm not sure if I'd be allowed to read it.

    3. XD Yes. <333

      Yeah, not the best...but it was still awesome. XD My mom only let me read it for the first time this year. :-Z I'm not sure I'm allowed to read the second one. :-D


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