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Announcement: Mission: Metal Art Competition WINNER!!!

Greetings, all!

So, today I am going to announce the Mission: Metal Art Competition winner! I had two entries, one by Gray Marie and the other by Ralraymee. If you didn't see them, you should totally go check them out!!! They were both awesome. XD
(I don't think there were anymore entries, were there? If there was, my sincerest apologies, please give me the link so I can go look it up, and I will have another contest for you to enter yours. :-Z :-)) judge decided on a winner last week, and, it was a close one, but Ralraymee's entry won first place for being the most original and creative!

Congrats, Ral!!! *throws confetti*
Thanks so much to both of you guys for entering!!! I loved the pictures. *gives you pizza*
Did you have fun doing the contest? 


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