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Wrapping Up February/March + Small Announcement

Greetings, all!!!

Welp, as I’m sure you’re all fully aware, the past month or so have been insane.

And that’s probably an understatement. 

But I did get some note-worthy things done, despite sickness, crazy work schedules, and quarantines. XD 

So I’ll go ahead run through a quick account of my doings for the past two months (because I totally didn’t forget to wrap up February X’D) and then I have a small announcement at the end!

February/March Music 

Smile by Sidewalk Prophets 
We go to see this amazing band in concert in February (more on that in a bit), and this was one of my favorites that they performed. It’s a good reminder for this day and age, as well. :) 

The Swings of Central Park from Extremely Loud, Incredibly Close by Alexandre Desplat 
This soundtrack is one of the best soundtracks I’ve ever listened to. It’s heavy in piano and soft strings, and is so inspiring and light-sounding, but quietly intense. A+ music.

Three Birds in Babylon by The Gray Havens 
My favorite Christian music group, The Gray Havens put out some epic and profound music. Three Birds in Babylon is based off of C.S. Lewis’s book The Great Divorce, and is my favorite song of theirs right now. <33

February/March Movies

Star Trek TOS Season 1

Star Trek 2009

The Prestige

Frozen 2

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

The Thief Lord

The Greatest Showman

The Hobbit: The Unexpected Journey

February/March Books

The Tales of Redwall: Doomwyte by Brian Jacques

Cracks in the Sidewalk by Crystal Bowman

A Light in the Attic by Shel Silverstein

The Tales of Redwall: The Legend of Luke by Brian Jacques

The Enemy Within: Straight Talk about the Power and Defeat of Sin by Kris Lundgaard

February/March Events

Brown Belt in Kung Fu: My brother and I earned our brown belts in Kung Fu!!! Only one more belt to go, and then we can start testing for black belt!!! -flails-

Sidewalk Prophets Concert: Like I said before, we got to see these amazing people in concert up in a mountain town not far from us. It was /epic/. There was a ton of snow up there, and it was so great to be around other Christians, watching a concert by wonderful musicians (the lead singer didn’t miss a note, I was /astounded/ okay), held in a beautiful church. It was an amazing night. :D

February/March Writing

I didn’t get a ton of words written these two months BUT I did do a ton of world building and plotting for my current WIP and Camp Nano project The Ship’s Log. My goal this month is to crank out at least 15,000 words if not more, so we’ll see how that goes. :D

Aanndd that’s all I’ve got for you, frens!

Now for my announcement:

A couple of us bloggers were thinking of maybe hosting some kind of blog party for this month-y’know, since we’ve got nothing better to do. XD

Some of the events we’re thinking of hosting are:

a. A tag,

b. a story writing game,

c. a contest to be participated in through a vlog/video post

d. an art contest!

If you think you’d be interested in participating in any/all of these or you have any ideas to add to our repertoire-please let me know in the comments!!! More details will be sent out next week. :D

How are you all doing? Have you been reading any good books? Who else is doing Camp Nano? What have you been doing since we’ve all been stuck at home?

Have a lovely week, friends!



  1. A tag would be fun! But also the video post would also be fun! idk, i'm very indecisive XD

  2. Agreed. This month and last one have been very wild .
    I think a tag would be awesome to do, and maybe an art contest also! :)

  3. Ooh ooh ooh!! So many fun things! I love your blog party idea. I love the vlog idea, but I don't think I could do something like that... *sighs* I don't know, but maybe?? The tag would be fun too. It's so exciting you got to go to that concert!!

    1. YES!!! X'D Idk, you probably could!!! You could not film yourself and just have the camera facing away from you or something. XP YES it was a great concert!!! ;D

  4. OOOH! What about a tag and an art contest that are part of a blog party???

    Congrats on the brown belt!

    1. YES!!! We're hosting a Random Blog Party!!! :D Check out the most recent blog posts on this blog to see what's going on. XP

      ACK thank you!!! :D <33


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