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Wrapping Up January//Hello, February

Greetings, mellons!

I fully intended to have another post last month, I swear. I even had it all plotted out and everything. Then sickness happened.

So yeah.

You guys will get that post later this month. XD

Anyway, here’s a wrap up of the January that happened on my end! XP

Music of January

Who I Want to Be by David Arnold and Michael Price 
I love the BBC Sherlock soundtrack so much. <33 This is probably the number one song in the series that I’ve been listening to this month-amazing, with those strings and that quiet build up. ;-;

Soldier by Fleurie 
I love Fleurie’s voice, and this song is so eerie and beautiful I fell in love with it immediately. Also a great song for charrie playlists. XD

Run Away by Ben Platt 
Omw, how does this man do it?? His voice. Is. So. Beautiful. AHHH. It makes me almost want to cry.

Only the Beginning of the Adventure by Harry Gregson-Williams
Best song in the Narnia soundtracks, Imo. Epic, nostalgia-filled, and rousing-with the majestic undertones and a soft ending.

Going Down by Twenty One Pilots 
I’ve discovered the old TØP songs and WOW I’m in love. Tyler’s voice isn’t quite as developed, nor is the music quite as good as their later stuff but MAN those lyrics are gritty. I especially love the No Phun Intended album. <33

Movies of January

Little Women


BBC Sherlock  <33

Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith

Rogue One <\\3 ;-;

Star Wars: A New Hope

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

Star Wars: The Return of the Jedi

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Dolittle (I loved this movie okay.)

Star Trek: Into Darkness

Books of January

The Ranger’s Apprentice: The Burning Bridge by John Flanagan

The Lunar Chronicles: Cress by Marissa Meyer

The Mammoth Book of New Sherlock Holmes Adventures

The Boy Who Steals Houses by C.G. Drews

A Thousand Perfect Notes by C.G. Drews

(also, I got a Goodreads account!!! :D)

Events of January

Little Women and Dolittle in the Theatre-I highly enjoyed both of these movies! Both of my grandmas, my sisters, my mom, and my aunt and I went and saw Little Women on New Years Day and a sweet friend and I went and saw Dolittle last week. I honestly think I liked the new version of Little Women better than any other version I’ve seen as of yet, and Dolittle was seriously so much fun to watch. Plus, it featured Robert Downey Jr., so I mean. Epic. X’D 

Winter Fun-My fam and I went tubing, searching for Christmas lights, and ice skating this month, despite the sad lack of snow in our area. ;-; What I discovered after doing these activities: 1. I am horrible at ice skating, and 2. tubing is actually really fun. X’D 

 Christmas lights. <33

^^^ Me trying not to die. 

Star Wars Marathon-We started in December but had to take a break for Christmas movies, so we finished up the saga this month. It’s a lot of movies, but definitely worth it. XP

Hmm, well I actually did a lot this month I promise. XD I did a ton of school and worked a lot at my dojo, as well as family events and such. Just nothing particularly exciting, I guess. X’D X’D

Writing of January

Fairly non-existent. Ooops. I wrote a paper for school on the causes of WWI, a few pages of The Ship’s Log, and plotted some charrie development. That’s virtually it.

Note to self-write more in February smh.

And that’s all I have for you today, chaps. Tell me about your month! Did you watch any good movies? Find any good music? And can you believe that we’re officially one month into 2020??? I can’t. XD



  1. It sounds like you had a fun month! I love ice skating and tubing too!!! I'm glad to hear you liked the new Little Women, I had some misgivings (of course!), but I do want to see it! I love your new blog look, by the way, It is really epic!

    1. I did!!! Ooh that's epic!!! :D YES it was really good (oh yes, it's a good thing to have misgivings about movies in this day and age XD). Aw thank you!!! I'm so glad!!! :D

  2. I love the caption under your ice skating picture, I relate!
    And Ben Platt is such a good artist!! Have you heard his song In Case You Don't Live Forever? It makes me tear up every time.

    1. X'D Oooooooooof, you and me both? X'D

  3. It sounds like you had an amazing January, MEM. :) Mine was good, I began watching BBC Sherlock and LOVED it! As for any new music I found this month, some of my favorite singers released new songs and I also realized I liked the singers Joan Jett and Pat Benatar.
    I hope you have an amazing February!

    1. I did!!! :D Ahh yayayay!!! OMW /YES/ that is an AMAZING SHOW AHH I'm so glad that you're loving it!!! <33 Ooh that's awesome!!!!! I've never heard of either of them. :)
      Thank you-I did!!! I hope you did too. <33

  4. Wow, it looks like you had a packed January!!

    A group of friends and I went ice skating this month too. Well, I didn't skate. I was feeling under the weather, so I just hung out and watched, but I know they had a ton of fun.

    I hope you have a wonderful February!

    1. I sure did!!! X"D

      Ahh that sounds like fun! Oooooooooof, I'm sorry! At least you still got to hang out. :)

      Thank you!!! I did!!! I hope you did too. :D

  5. Haha, don't worry about it. Ice skating is HARD. And tubing is great. Ooh, congrats on seeing Little Women. You're totally seeing Black Widow in theaters when it comes out, right? That's where my brain has been for the last few days. And I'm beyond excited that they have trailers for WandaVision, Loki, and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.
    Anyway, my January was good. I finished Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, which was kinda bittersweet (at least there's one more season coming out) and started watching Longmire, which I had stopped watching awhile ago for an unknown reason. I also read A TON of Middle-Grade books, auditioned for a play, might be getting my yellow belt in taekwondo, and basketball basically took over my life. So it was a busy but good month.

    1. Ahh I sure found that out! X'D It is!!! Ah thanks!!! It was so good. And YES absolutely!!! (Well, as long as the reviews are good of course. XP) OMW YES I'M SO EXCITED ABOUT ALL OF THEM AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! X'D
      Yay I'm so glad!!! Ooh that's epic!!! I really want to see that. :D AHH middle-grade books ftw. <33 OOH audition for a play and a yellow belt??? EPIC!!! I'm so glad your month was good!!! :D

  6. Star Wars marathons are always super fun!! Aw Yes!! The Sherlock soundtrack is one of my go toos for cleaning and such! So Good.
    Oh, What did you think about Cress? I recently just finished the Lunar Chronicles and thought Cress was one of the better books. Cinder is still my favorite though. ;)

    1. Heyyy! YES they are omw. X'D OOH AWESOME!!! /YES/ I agree-it's epic. <33
      I enjoyed it a lot!!! It was a little long, but that's okay-it just means more reading time! XP I liked the character development and Cress\Thorne is super sweet. YES Cinder is my favorite too, I think!!! :D

  7. I LOVE tubing!! It's been forever since I last went, though. Maybe six or seven years ago?? :( I cannot ice skate. It has been a while since I last tried, but I have a hard time roller skating so I'm assuming that ice skating would be even harder. XD

    Ooh a Star Wars marathon!!! I'm still in the middle of trying to watch the LOTR movies again. I'm still in the midst of TTT. I haven't even gotten to Helm's Deep yet!! But I'm hoping to continue watching soon. *nods determinedly*

    I love the Winter Wonderland. It would be a wonderful date to go on someday with whoever I marry. *starry eyes* Sorry. Got off track there. XD

    We watched the trailer for Little Women, and it seemed very feminist?? What was your take on it?

    I love your selection of gifs, okay. :D

    1. IT'S SO MUCH FUN!!! OH wow that's a long time. X'D Ooooooooooof, you and me both. X'D X'D

      YESSS it was EPIC. X'D Ooooooooooooooh yes yes you can do it. *nods with you*

      It's so pretty!!! X'D X'D I can see that. XP

      (I hope I answered your question in my text!!! :D)

      Aww thank you!!! I do too. X'D


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