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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Tag

Greetings, all! 

Well, it’s been a very long time since I last posted, I’m afraid.

With school, work, church events, sickness, and trying to reach my reading goal for this year, I’ve hardly had any time for anything else. I think I can maybe see the light at the end of the tunnel however; hopefully blogging should become more regular. XP

Anyway, I saw this tag hopping around on the blogosphere some time back, and I really wanted to take it, so thanks to Catherine I got the opportunity to steal it and use it the next time I posted. :-D

So here goes! 

Pseudo Rules (because apparently there aren’t real rules???)

1. Feel free to include the above graphic somewhere in your post (but it’s definitely not necessary).
2. Take the questions and answer them on your blog (or social media or wherever!).
3. Tag up to 5 other Marvel fans!

How were you introduced to the MCU fandom?

In 2016, my parents showed me my first Marvel film, The Avengers Assemble. The whole time we were watching it, I was so confused as to whom everyone was, so my parents were giving me all the backstories and telling me what everyone’s powers were, and so on. We all died laughing at the part when the Hulk punches Thor (my mom’s favorite part to this day), and Hawkeye (Clint Barton) became my favorite superhero (and still is one of my favorites, tbh).

What's your favorite Marvel film?

Oooof. That’s a hard question. Avengers: Assemble has a special place since it was the first one I ever watched, and watching it still brings me a whole dump load of nostalgia. But CA: Civil War, Avengers: AoU, and Doctor Strange are probably my top choices (although I just watched Thor: Ragnarok for the first time and REALLY liked it too).

Top favorite Marvel character?

Well, my favorite Marvel superhero is definitely Doctor Strange. BUT my favorite female Marvel character is a tie between Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow) or Shuri, and my favorite non-superhero character is Agent Phil Coulson. Plus, you can’t forget my favorite villain, Loki. I have a lot of other favorites but those are probably top on my list. XP

If you were transported into the MCU and had to trade places with one of the superheroes, who would you choose?

Probably Wanda Maximoff. Her powers are EPIC. <33

What are some of your favorite quotes from the films?

*rubs hands together* Ooh, there’s so many good ones. Let’s see.

Which crew would you want to be part of the most: Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, or Revengers?

Avengers for sure. Revengers would be my second choice though.

Favorite and least favorite ship?

Favorite ship: Tony and Pepper. 

Least favorite ship: Cap and Sharon.
For obvious reasons. X’D

Favorite and least favorite villain?

Favorite villain: (I said this already but XD) Loki.
Least favorite villain: So I thought about this for a while, and couldn’t actually think of one. All the MCU villains are /so good/ and well developed. Plus, the ones that I personally didn’t like I can’t say who they are because spoilers. X’D 

Unpopular MCU opinion?

Basically most of my MCU opinions are unpopular. X’D
To name a few:
1. I ship Wanda and Vision I’m sorry.
2. I very much liked how they wrapped things up in Endgame.
3. I loved the Captain Marvel movie.
Among others. XP

What's your favorite Stan Lee cameo scene?

Either the one from CA: Civil War or the one from Captain Marvel. 

Bonus Question: Which Avenger Are You Most Like??

Should I be worried. X'D

Aannd that’s all I have for you today peoples! I’m going to have a Wrap Up\Nano post next week for y’all, so check back in for that.

Your turn to talk! Who’s your favorite Marvel character? Favorite MCU movie? What Avenger are you most like? Oh, and if you would like to do this tag please take it and say that I tagged you. XP

OH and also, what do you think of the new blog design? I’m still playing around with things, so it’s not finalized. XD

Have a wonderful rest of your weekend!



  1. Ahh, this reminded me so much of our chat the other day!!

  2. WOOHOO! I loved your answers to this! My favorite Avenger is probably Captain America but my favorite Marvel character is Groot. Favorite MCU movie is most likely Civil War or Thor: Ragnarok. I don't know what Avenger I would be but maybe Mantis from Guardians of the Galaxy XD

    And I love the new design! Your header looks great *thumbs up* loving the green!

    1. Thank you so much!!! ^-^ Ahhhh, Groot is an amazing character. <33 Ooh another CA: CW fan!!! Omw, that's amazing. X'D

      Thank you so much!!! I am too!!! <33

  3. Yesss, Marvel. I still don't get why everyone hated Captain Marvel. It was a fun movie.
    My favorite Marvel movies are Infinity War, Civil War, The Avengers, and Captain Marvel.
    My favorite Avengers are Wanda Maximoff and Tony Stark.
    Okay, so apparently I'm most like Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow. I mean, I'm not complaining, she's pretty cool.

    1. Yeeeeee! IKR??? I really enjoyed it. X'D
      Ahhhhh great choices!!! :-D YES Tony ftw. <3
      DUDE that is awesome!!! :-D :-D

    2. Exactly. Not my all-time favorite but pretty great.
      Ooh, thanks.
      Yeah, I'm not entirely sure how I'm like her but it's cool.

  4. This was fun to read. :) My favorite character from MCU has to be Captain Marvel, since she was the one that got into it to begin with.

  5. LOOOOVE the new blog design! (I'm commenting on your most recent posts in a stranger order, I'm sorry; and I realized I hadn't mentioned your blog design yet.)


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