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Wrap Up August\Welcome September!

Greetings, all!

(Well, would you look at that. I actually have my wrap up post out on time.

Something must be wrong with me.)

I had a lovely August. Peaceful, sunny, and I accomplished a lot of small chores and the like. But YoU gUyS AuTumN iS CoMiNG. MY FAVORITE SEASON EVER.

Music of August

There was much listening of music in August. XD

Trouble by Avicii 
This song gives me a very strong feeling of home, for some reason. I love it so much. <33 

Above and Beyond by Audiomachine 
Audiomachine is one of my favorite epic score groups, and this song is especially powerful and amazing. 

Don’t Give Up on Me by Andy Grammer
I normally don’t listen to love songs, but this one is SO GOOD. I really like Andy Grammer’s voice, and the sentiment of this song is super sweet. 

Ride to Stooky House by Michelle DiBucci 

This song is from a horror movie soundtrack, but it was so eerily lovely that I fell in love with it as soon as I heard it. 
(And I could only find it on Spotify, sorry. I think it is on YouTube but Blogger wasn't letting me load the song. :-Z) 

Wake Up by NF
For the longest time I refused to listen to any rap, because I was convinced that I didn’t like it. Well, as it turns out, I was wrong. NF is a phenomenal musician, and this song is one of my favorites of his.

In My Blood\Swan Lake covered by The Piano Guys
A classic Piano Guys piece, one of my favorites from their newest album. I love the crescendo.

Movies of August

Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children 



Nanny McPhee

Nanny McPhee Returns

Psych Series 4 and 5



The Giver

A Quiet Place 

Books of August

A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness <\\3

The Last Thing I Remember by Andrew Klavan

Tales of Redwall: Mossflower by Brian Jacques

Tales of the Peculiar by Ransom Riggs

Brotherband: The Ghostfaces by John Flanagan

Events of August

National Bible Bee-Every year, my family participates in the National Bible Bee. This summer the Bible Bee theme was Worship, and we studied the book of Psalms. It was such a sweet study, and the test went pretty well. None of my family made it to Nationals this year, but it was still fun. :-)  

Blue Belt in Kung Fu-My brother and I passed our blue belt test! Only three more belts to black belt. I’m excited. :-D

(My Sifu and I during my belt ceremony.) 

Piano Guys Concert-The Piano Guys came to my state once again, and my dad and I went and saw them at a beautiful venue near the foothills. The highlight of the concert for me was when they played A Million Dreams-it was absolutely beautiful. <33

Church Family Camp-August is when our church has its annual family camp, so we packed up and headed for the mountains. I had a great time-ice cream, games with friends, worship music around the campfire, bike rides, starry skies, archery tag, and sitting on the playground at midnight convinced that we were surrounded by bears (we totally were XD). Can’t wait for next year. ^-^

(Me doing archery tag feat. my little sis in the background. XD)

That’s everything big that happened. The rest of my month consisted of skyping with distant friends, editing my novel, beta reading friend’s stories, playing my violin, painting, cleaning, and much laughter.

Writing of August

I only wrote a few thousand words this month, mostly because I was editing my novel Of Seas, Silver, and Shipmates so that I could enter it into the One Year Adventure Novel Contest. I have low expectations of my novel, but I’m hoping for semi-finalist at least. We’ll see. XP

My uncle and I may also be possibly starting an epic new WIP together…one that involves water and Robin Hood…I’ll leave you in expectancy until next month.

Aren’t I nice.


That’s my month! Tell me about yours. Did you read any good books? Find any new favorite songs? How did your writing go this month? And who else is ready for Autumn???



  1. YOU SAW THE PIANO GUYS???? *freaking out* That's awesome!

    Hope you have an awesome September, MeM! :)

    1. I DID!!! *freaks out with you* :-D

      Thank you!!! It's been great so far. I hope you're having an awesome month too!!! <3

  2. Congrats on getting your blue belt! That's an amazing achievement!

    I also read A Monster Calls this month (one word: heartbreaking). A new song I've grown to like a lot is "Time" by NF. My brother introduced it to me, and I feel like it sums up one of my character's struggles in a (planned) sequel.

    1. Thank you!!! ^-^ <3

      /YES/ It was so good though. Ah, I love that song! That's so cool!!! :-D

  3. I love Andy Grammar's song Don't Give Up On Me. :)Hm... Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children... that looks creepy. :o But The Quiet Place looks a whole lot creepier. >.< Sounds like you had fun at church camp! Congrats on recieving your blue belt! :D

    1. Yessssss, I actually listened to it because you had it on a playlist. XP It is...but it's so good...BOTH of them are a m a z i n g. <33 I did!!! And thank you!!! <33

  4. I watched Miss Peregrine’s in August too!! It was so weird and SO cool.

    I'm really curious to know your thoughts on The Ghostfaces! Did you like it?


      I did!!! I can PM you later so we can discuss it in more detail; but I really did. It was a little slow, but the characters got some good development. :-)

  5. And by the way that looks like Seth in the background, not one of your sisters... XD

    1. (I know it looks like him, but it's actually not. XP Georgia got a growth spurt. XD)

  6. 'Kay so August was a somewhat disappointing month but I did finally watch Endgame and I read a really good book called A Study in Charlotte, and it's where a modern criminal is recreating stories from Sherlock Holmes novels.

    1. Ooooooof, I'm sorry! *hugs* Ooh YES ENDGAME!!! <\\3 <33 Ah, that sounds really cool!!! :-D

    2. ENDGAME! It was awesome, it felt like a good ending to the Avengers. Now, I'm looking forward to a ton of different Phase 4 movies. It was really good, actually. And there was a great plot twist.

    3. YESS I AGREE!!! Ooh, sounds awesome!!! :-D

  7. I love Autumn, and I am DEFINITELY ready for it! But I think Spring is my favorite season. It's a close toss up though.
    Eeeeep, I LOVE NF's music!!! "Wake Up" has been one of my favorites of his for the longest time too. It's so good. Recently I have been obsessed with "Let Me Go" and "Leave Me Alone." Actually basically his entire new album. :) I am so happy to find someone else who appreciates his music.
    Wow, you saw Piano Guys live??? I love listening to them, but I've never seen them. It would be amazing, I'm sure.
    I read "editing my novel" as "eating my novel." Hehe.
    By the way, I tagged you!

    1. /YES/ Autumn is AMAZING. Hehe, yeah Spring is definitely a close second.
      YES YES YES!!! He is SO GOOD. <33 Wake Up is AMAZING-and so are those other two!!!
      I did!!! I've seen them twice now. :-D It is!!!
      X'D X"D Haha, nooooooo...not eating it I'm afraid. X'D
      Ooh awesome!!! Thank you so much!!! <33

  8. That is so cool that you guys did the Bible Bee!! My siblings and I did the Bible Bee years ago when we were younger, and we really enjoyed it! It is always cool to find people who also have done it!!
    I love Psych!! One of my favorite shows!! I love Shawn and Gus's friendship! The Quiet Place was amazing too!! I think it would be difficult to make a movie without much dialogue.

    1. Yessss! Oh really??? That's so cool!!! :-D Yes, I agree.
      AWESOME!!! *high fives* Yes, I agree. X'D

  9. How many passages did you have to memorize this year?

    1. Mmmmmmmm, let me see. I think maybe 16??? I don't remember for certain now. :-Z


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