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It's So Classic Blog Party Tag

Greetings, all! 

I hath been tagged twice in the past few weeks, so now I actually have a reason to do a blog post. XP

This week’s tag is the It’s So Classic Blog Tag, which I have been tagged for by Catherine. Thanks so much, friend! 

Unfortunately, there are rules that accompany this tag. XD 


1. Link back to Rebellious Writing (
2. Answer the questions
3. Tag at least 5 bloggers.

What is one classic that hasn’t been made into a movie yet, but really needs to?

I’m going to say The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis.

What draws you to classics?

The fact that so many people have read and loved them throughout the years, honestly.

What is an underrated classic?

The Count of Monte Cristo. I love this book so much-but it puts a lot of people off, probably because its over 1,000 pages long. XP 

What is one classic that you didn’t expect to love, but ended up loving anyway?

Dracula, by Bram Stoker. I was not super excited when I started reading it, but after a couple of chapters it hooked me. Another one is Animal Farm by George Orwell. 

What is your most favorite and least favorite classics?

Favorite: Either The Complete Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle or Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson (we’re not counting LotR for this question XD). Least Favorite: The Prince and the Pauper. I have never really liked that story. XD

What is your favorite character from a classic? Or if that is too hard, one is your favorite classic character trope (e.g. strong and silent, quiet sidekick, etc.)

My favorite character from a classic is definitely Sherlock Holmes. X’D 

What’s a popular classic that you felt wasn’t actually that great?

…Erm, I haven’t really read enough classics to give this question a fair answer. XP 

Who is your favorite classic author?

C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Arthur Conan Doyle, L.M. Montgomery, Charles Dickens, Ray Bradbury…okay I’ll stop now. XD

In your opinion, what makes a classic a classic? 

A classic is just something that is of good quality that came first. So that’s what makes a good classic in my opinion-a book of first class writing that sort of paved the way for others of that type. 

Relating to newer books, what attributes does a book need to have in order to be worthy of the title “classic”?

Good writing and rich story; and it has to mean something, have depth.

I felt totally inadequate doing this tag, that’s for sure. Some of my favorite books are classics, but I don’t actually read very many of them. XD 

And now who to tag, who to tag. The question is, who hasn’t done this tag yet. XD

Kendra Lynne

The Story Sponge

Jane Maree

Lady Awdur


I think you guys all read classics. XD Enjoy the tag!

Now, your turn to talk! 

What’re some of your favorite classics? Have you ever made it all the way through The Count of Monte Cristo (an A+ book, btw)? What’s a classic that you think should be made into a movie and hasn’t yet? 

(Oh, and feel free to steal the tag.)



  1. Cool tag. I feel like I haven't actually, y'know, read enough classics to do this tag. I love Sherlock Holmes, though. And I love the TV show, as well. Doesn't quite measure up to the books but still very good. Would you mind checking out my blog? Also, i feel like I've asked that before so if i have let me know.

    1. Thank you! Haha, that's how I felt too. XP Yessssss. I agree. ^-^ I think I have, but I will go and bookmark it so that I won't forget to check it. XP Thank you for reminding me! <3

    2. I do want to read more classics, though......Yes, Sherlock Holmes is amazing. That's partly why I was excited that Benedict Cumberbatch would be joining the MCU as Doctor Strange.

  2. Ahh, The Count of Monte Christo is one of my favorite classic books! It's long, true, but so much worth your time. I think the wide variety of subjects covered from toxicology to human nature, to history. Besides the count is such a wonderful protagonist uwu
    Anyway, I just came across your blog and it's lovely <3

  3. Wow, this tag is sort of intimidating! Though I have read a goodly number of classics, so I think I will pull through. ;) I am also flattered that you thought of me. Thanks!
    Great answers, by the way! I definitely agree that The Horse and His Boy should be made into a movie, though I doubt anyone would do it justice.

    1. YES that's what I thought too. X'D Yay! I hope you enjoy it. ^-^
      Thank you! Yess, I agree. <3


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