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My Characters' Aesthetics in Song Lyrics

Greetings, all!

So, I wasn’t going to do a blog post today because I am exhausted from a very busy week, but I decided I should be responsible and reassure you all that I am not dead and also I guess I had nothing better to do.

I had no ideas for a blog post, however…so I’m just going to do something that I’ve been wanting to do for a while. It should also help with some character plotting that I should be doing but have been putting off.

I present to you, Mem’s characters in song aesthetics! 

I have no idea what I have gotten myself into.

Mavi Ken from The Ship’s Log

keep on fighting\out of the dark\into the light\it’s not over\hope is rising\never give in\never give up\it’s not over\yet

It’s Not Over Yet by For King and Country

this pain is just too real\there’s just too much that time cannot erase

My Immortal by Evanescence

sometimes your past can\make the ground beneath you feel like quicksand\you don’t have to worry\you reach for my hand\yeah I know you’re gonna to be okay\you’re gonna be okay\and even if you’re scared\you’re stronger than you know

Something Wild by Lindsey Stirling and Andrew McMahon

Elani from Of Seas, Silver, and Shipmates 

when you feel my heat\look into my eyes\it’s where my demons hide\it’s where my demons hide

Demons by Imagine Dragons

late at night I wonder why\sometimes I wonder why\sometimes I’m so tired\I don’t even try\seems everything around me fails\but I hold on to the promise\that there is a reason

There is a Reason by Caedmon’s Call

you are a warrior\strength and courage lies within your heart\daughter can’t you see your power never fades

Warrior Daughter by Wildwood Kin

Ian from Mission: Metal 

we get a little restless from the searching\get a little worn down in between\like a bull chasing the matador\is the man left to his own schemes\everybody needs someone beside ‘em\shining like a lighthouse from the sea\brother let me be your shelter\never leave you all alone\I can be the one you call\when you’re low\brother let me be your fortress\when the night winds are driving on\be the one to light the day\bring you home

Brother by NeedtoBreathe

and while you’re doing fine\there’s some people and I\who have a really hard time getting through this life\so excuse us while we sing to the sky

Screen by Twenty One Pilots

you say there’s so much you don’t know\you need to go and find yourself\you say you’d rather be alone\cause you think you won’t find it tied to someone else\ooh, who said it’s true\that the growing only happens on your own\they don’t know me and you\I don’t think you have to leave\if to change is what you need\you can change right next to me\when you’re high I’ll take the lows\you can ebb and I can flow\and we’ll take it slow\and grow as we go

Grow as We Go by Ben Platt

Necro Dirk from The Ship’s Log 

stay with me\no\you don’t need to run\stay with me\my blood

My Blood by Twenty One Pilots

I get the feeling just because\everything I touch isn’t dark enough\that this problem lies in me\a monster\a monster\I’ve turned into a monster\a monster\a monster\and it keeps getting stronger

Monster by Imagine Dragons

it’s my own desire\it’s my own remorse\help me to decide\help me make the most of freedom\and of pleasure\nothing ever lasts forever\everybody wants to rule the world

Everybody Wants to Rule the World by Tears for Fears

Liam from Mission: Metal 

if I told you what I was\would you turn your back on me\and if I seem dangerous\would you be scared

Monster by Imagine Dragons

I saw the sun begin to dim\and felt that winter wind blow cold\a man learns who is there for him\when the glitter fades and the walls won’t hold\cause from that rubble\what remains\can only be what’s true\if all was lost\there’s more I gained\cause it led me back\to you

From Now On from the Greatest Showman

cast all my doubts\please prove me wrong\cause these demons\can be so headstrong\make my walls fall\please prove me wrong\don’t let my doubts prove true

Prove me Wrong by Caedmon’s Call

Malcolm from Defying Apples

we started with soul\now we’re chasing diamonds and gold\let’s throw ‘em into the night\they’ll say we’re crazy\that’s fine\they’ll say we’re out of our minds\well tell ‘em tell ‘em alright

Diamonds and Gold by The Gray Havens

had to have high high hopes for a living\shooting for the stars when I couldn’t make a killing\didn’t have a dime but I always had a vision\always had high high hopes\had to have high high hopes for a living\didn’t know how but I always had a feeling\I was gonna be that one in a million\always had high high hopes

High Hopes by Panic! At the Disco

everything is awesome\everything is cool when you’re part of a team\everything is awesome\when you’re living out a dream

Everything is Awesome by Tegan and Sara

Well, that was fun; and a WHOLE lot harder than I thought it would be. Apparently, the ratio of non-lyrical songs to lyrical songs that I listen to is close to 10:1, if not more than that. XD

Welp, your turn to talk!

How is Camp Nano going for you writerly types out there? Do you like any of the songs that I had in my post? What are some songs that you use a lot for stories and characters?



  1. Yeep; more gifs of Jensen Ackles. *giggles*

    Nice! Great choices of song lyrics! :D For me Camp is actually going really well. July is usually the difficult Camp for me because of summer, so I chose to set my goal fairly low and not to stress over it. The good news is, the strategy is working and my story is flowing!!! I am ecstatic.

    1. X'D X'D

      Thank you!!! I had fun doing it. :-) Yayayay!!! I'm so glad!!!


  3. Oh I love these types of posts! ALL YOUR CHARACTERS SEEM SO COOL!!


  4. OH MY WORD, I LOVE SO MANY OF THESE SONGS! Let's see: It's Not Over Yet, Something Wild, Demons, Brother, Grow as We Go, Monster, From Now On, and of course Everything is Awesome. Now I am curious to look up the other songs you mentioned. I love this idea of matching song lyrics to characters- I match songs with my characters (and other people's characters)ALL THE TIME. Some songs that I use a lot are Come Home by Jon Foreman, Hold Me Now by Red, Paralyzed by NF, Who I am Hates Who I've Been by Relient K, Circles by Switchfoot- and basically every Switchfoot song ever. Since discovering Demons I use that a lot too. There are so many great angsty songs!
    Best of luck with your story!

    1. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE YAYAYAY!!! I LOVE all of these songs. :-D That's so cool! I just got into NF's music. It's really good. I KNOW!!!!! There really are!!!
      Thank you so much!!!

  5. *screeches to a halt*
    Did somebody say song lyrics?????

    I really loved reading this post MEM!!!!


  6. I have to say, I really like the sound of Wildwood Kin. I just listened to like three of their songs. Thanks for bringing them to my attention!

  7. I love your header!
    And such fun songs ;)

  8. What a great idea! I never thought of lyrics being part of an aesthetic for characters! I'm going to use that now ;)

  9. Wow, amazing idea! Great :D
    // Btw, I've just nominated you for a tag! <3

    1. Thank you!!! I had fun doing it.
      Aw!!! Thank you!!! <33 I shall check it out. :-)


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