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Quick Announcement//I PROMISE I SHALL RETURN

Greetings, all!

(So...I fully intended to have an actual blog post today.
But life hit me like a freight train.
So you get this poor excuse instead. XD)

ANYWAY; just a heads up that I will be M.I.A. for the next week because I am headed off to the One Year Adventure Novel Summer Workshop! I get to spend a whole week with fellow writers learning how to better our stories and novels!!!

I'm also sort of freaking out because I still have to pack and get there's going to be a TON of people there...

But I'll be fine. 

So..expect a blog post in two weeks all about my adventures at the Summer Workshop, and also an introduction to my WIP for July's Camp Nano!!!

I promise I shall return! XD

Have a blessed week!


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