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Wrap Up April\\Hello, May!

Greetings, all! 

Welp, April has come and vanished.

And I’m not entirely certain that someone didn’t speed up time this year.

April is one of my absolute favorite months. Spring finally decides to show its face, the weather starts to warm up, and its also my birthday month (so maybe I’m a little biased XP).

(And shh. I totally know its May 9th. This post was definitely planned to be late. XD) 

Music of April

(I listened to a lot of movie and video game scores this month. XD)

Worlds Colliding from Spider-Man by John Paesano 
This song is just downright gorgeous. <33

Can You See Jane from Thor by Patrick Doyle
I LOVE the first two Thor movie soundtracks. This one is from the end of the movie and it’s lovely.

The High Seas from Assassin’s Creed 
I discovered this album not too long ago and was amazed at how the feel of the music fit perfectly with my pirate novel. :-O <33

Can You Dig It from Iron Man 3 by Brian Tyler
This song makes me smile. It’s reminiscent of The Incredibles soundtrack, but with more Tony Starkness in it. XD 

Movies of April

Psych Series 3

The Thief Lord <33

Mary Poppins Returns

Time Changer

Newsies <33

Rise of the Guardians

Lady in the Water 

Avengers: Endgame <333

Books of April

Brotherband: Slaves of Scorro by John Flanagan

Renegade Skyfarer by R.J. Metcalf

Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis

Void Born by R.J. Metcalf

Brotherband: Scorpion Mountain by John Flanagan

(the book titles with links attached to them are ones that I’ve written book reviews for)

Events of April

Camp Nano-I DID IT!!! I WON CAMP NANO!!! I was a little distracted about halfway through because we had a tragedy happen to one of the families at our church; but I managed to pull through and smash my goal. I even went one word over my goal. XP (I’ll have some snippets for you to read in a moment.) HUGE SHOUTOUT to all my lovely fellow Fellowship of the Keyboards cabin members; and our Most High Honorable Cabin Leader Jane. It was an awesome writing session, friends. <33

Oh, and we had a rogue orc in our cabin that kept eating up our comments. Did anyone else have this orc or his accomplices raiding their cabins? XD

My Birthday-I turned 17 this month! Here is a link to my birthday speech, if you haven’t read it yet. XP In that post I also announced a vlog that I am going to host hopefully this month; so if you haven’t asked me any questions yet and you would like to do so make sure to visit that post and leave some questions in the comments. :-)


(I did do a few other things, but they’re not really worth mentioning.)

April Writing

For my Camp Nano project this year I tried to finish my pirate novel, Of Seas, Silver, and Shipmates.

Well…I’m almost done with it. I think I have about threeish chapters left. IT’S SO CLOSE TO BEING DONE THOUGH EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

And then come August I may be asking for some beta readers…if anyone is interested. XD



We traveled all that day and late into the night. Elani told us that the location on the map was on the west coast of Africa; near an old abandoned pirate hideaway. I asked her why it was abandoned.

                She said it may or may not have had something to do with Colin getting lost on his first sea voyage without his father, an unwanted present, and a dare from the ship’s cook. She wouldn’t say anything else.

                I would have liked to hear more about this adventure.


We stared at each other in horror, listening to the cannon balls splash into the water or smash into the sides of our ship; hitting with a solid thunk or cracking the tough boards wide open.

The ship rocked back and forth; and the lantern slid across the small open surface area of our small hiding place. I grabbed it’s handle to stop it from tipping over.

A cannonball smashed into the side of the ship nearest us; and we heard the boards splinter. A steady sound of water began; and I could see moisture seep into a small crack in the floorboard above us.

“We can’t stay in here long,” I said. “This compartment will flood!”


My mind was whirling. She appeared to be making sense; but what if I couldn’t trust her anymore? Why was nothing logical? What was happening?

                Then Elani moved.

                And I ended up on the ground.


Aanndd…that is all I have to say for now.

So how was your April? How many writerly types out there smashed their Camp Nano goals? Who else has seen Endgame already? (No spoilers please! I don’t want any spoilers on my blog. XP) And what is one of your favorite movie scores?

Until next we meet!



  1. Your snippets are so GOOD! If you ask for betas I will most definitely be interested ;)

    1. Aw, thank you Faith!!! <33 I will be sure to let you know when I am ready for beta readers; thank you so much!!!

  2. Did you enjoy Mary Poppins Returns? We got it in the mail through Netflix today and we'll probably watch it tomorrow. :)

    Sounds like you had a good month! I'm so glad you won Nano. I read the Thief Lord; I'm not sure if I told you.

    1. I did! Did you? :-) ;-D
      Yeah; it was pretty good. :-) Thanks!!! I'm glad you did too. Ooh; awesome! I love that book so much. <33

  3. Congrats on your birthday and finishing NANO(SO PROUD)! And uh, duh of course I saw Endgame! (I actually saw it twice so haha) Whoever hasn't seen Endgame yet, how are you still alive?! Honestly I've run into so many spoilers after I saw it and I fear for everyone who hasn't seen it yet.

    P.S. I'd love to beta read for you! I'll be looking out for that post ;)

    1. Thank you Fawnabell!!! <33 YES fellow Marvel fan. I know; right??? XD
      (Ooh, awesome!!! I hope you can. Thank you!!! :-D)

  4. I love Rise of the Guardians so much! Aah, it's up there with Big Hero 6 for me. :D

    I love all those snippets!! <3

    1. YES those are two of my favorite animated movies. <3
      Aw, thank you Jane!!! <33

  5. Oooh, those snippets = PERFECTION!!!

  6. Happy belated birthday!! I recently watched all the seasons of Psych as well. What do you think so far?? I love Shawn and Gus's friendship. They just make me laugh. :) AHH Endgame so many good things in that movie.

    1. Thank you, Anna! <33 That's so cool! I'm loving it so far. YES they have one of the best friendships ever. XD OOH YES. IT WAS SO AMAZING. <\3 <33

  7. Congrats on finishing your goal!! I'm sorry that there was heartache in the middle of Camp, though. That's always hard to work through.

    ENDGAME!! *Sniffles* Such a great, but heartbreaking movie.

    1. Thank you Sarah!!! Yes; thank you. It is. :-) <33
      YES. <\3 <\3 IT WAS AMAZING.

  8. Congrats on winning Camp NaNoWrimo. :) Your snippets are so beautiful *Throws confetti* Also happy birthday, MEM, I hope your birthday was amazing. :D

    1. EE thank you Quinley!!! Aw; thanks!!! <33 *catches confetti* :-) It was pretty amazing. :-)

  9. Hii! Great recap :) Congratulations on winning Camp NaNoWrimo! To be honest, I envy you that you find time to watch a few films every month, hahah ;D I literally have no time to watch anything. Have a wonderful May! <3

    1. Hi Ann!!! Thanks!!! And thank you! XD Ah, well; my family enjoys movies so we watch quite a few. XP I'm sorry!!! Hope the summer offers you some free time. :-) Thank you!!! I hope you have a lovely May as well. :-)

  10. Girl, your snippets were crazy good *googles how to write as well as MEM*. Sounds like you had a good month. Still haven't seen Endgame, aaannnnnd I REALLY need to since they're are a lot of spoilers on the blogosphere. I really want to see Captain Marvel, too.

    1. Thank you so much McKayla!!! XD Aw, thanks. <333 I did!!! YES YOU MUST!!! IT WAS SO GOOD!!! Cap Marvel was REALLY good too. :-)


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