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Wrap Up March, Hello April!\UPDATE on Camp Nano

Greetings, all!

It’s finally April!!! April is an exciting month for me. It hosts the first Camp Nano of the year, trees are staring to blossom, school’s starting to slow down, and it may or may not be my birthday in a few weeks…XD

Let us look back at March, shall we? And then I will share an update on how Camp Nano’s going. ;-P

March Music:

Waving Through a Window sung by Ben Platt from the Broadway show Dear Even Hansen 
Okay, wow. This song. Ben Platt has an AMAZING voice; and the lyrics to this song were so heartbreaking and yet it sounded like a happy, upbeat song. It’s officially on my list of favorites. <333

Main Titles from Logan by Marco Beltrami
I LOVE this theme. The use of the guitar and stings makes for a really cool effect. 

Hideaway by Grace Vanderwaal 
I was so excited when Grace started releasing new music! This one is super fun; my siblings like to dance to it. :-) 

Asgard from Thor: The Dark World by Brian Tyler
Thor music is probably some of the absolute best in the MCU. This one is one of the best of the best. XP

March Movies: 

(no pictures this time; there were too many XD)

The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry
Psych Series 2
Antman and the Wasp
Christopher Robin
Voltron Series 1-4
Captain Marvel <33333333333333333333
Patema Inverted
Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse <333
Karate Kid
The Last Airbender

 March Reading:

Tales of Old Natalia: The Wreck and Rise of Whitson Mariner by S.D. Smith

The Valley of Fear Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Tales of Redwall: The Sable Quean Brian Jaqcues

(the ones that have links attached are ones that I have written book reviews on)

March Events:

Rock and Gem Show: We went to a local rock and gem show; and came back with rocks a galore. XD There were SO MANY cool rocks. 

My personal favorites were the thunder eggs. 

We also got to see them cut open geodes. That was cool. :-D  

I bought a rose quartz, 
a desert rose, 
 a tree made out of rocks,
 and this pink rock thingy.
  My advice: don’t bring too much money to spend at a rock show. You will come back penniless. XD

Circustrix: We bought six month passes to a fun place called Circustrix. It has trampolines, obstacle courses, and foam pits. I’m currently trying to teach myself to do a flip; which is a lot harder than you’d think it’d be. BUT I SHALL FIGURE IT OUT. SOMEDAY.

Earning Purple Belt in Kung Fu: My brother and I finally earned out purple belts in Kung Fu! Only four more belts to go until we reach black belt…EEEEEE! :-D

Worldview Conference: Our church hosted a Biblical Worldview Conference this year. It was a lot of work to put on; but definitely worth it. We learned a ton about subjects such as distant starlight and a literal six-day creation week, parenting teens (I didn’t need that session; but apparently my parents did XP), and being equipped to proclaim the gospel. It was a great weekend. :-)

Update on Camp Nano:

(Instead of my normal writing update: I shall give you an update on Camp.)

My goal for this month is to finish my pirate novel; Of Seas, Silver, and Shipmates. So I don’t really care how many words I get done as long as I finish it. XD So far I’ve written almost two lengthy chapters and have developed some more of my characters.

Here are some snippets for your enjoyment. XD


I told her [Elani] that it wasn’t a very well thought out plan. Her answer was “Well, what would you do?”

                I didn’t have an answer. My first thought was to alert the militia, but they wouldn’t take the word of two women even if we did have proof. Elani was supposed to take care of me; and we needed to find answers. I was sure my fear of water would wear off if I was on a ship. Elani assured me that I would be perfectly safe; providing a storm didn’t arise or the ship’s structure wasn’t rotting or we were attacked by enemy ships.

                I felt very comforted.


Elani stared at her intently. “Where do you live?”

Freja waved her hand in the air. “Here an’ there. I was staying in an alley in your village,” she motioned to me “but then them pirates came. Then you caught me in the village; and I saw one of your shiny knives,” she pointed at Elani. “I decided you looked like decent folks, so I followed you. An’ then you caught me.”

“You based our decency on the fact that I was carrying knives?” Elani raised an eyebrow.

Freja nodded. “‘course.”

I rolled my eyes. That made perfect logical sense.


As we bedded down for the night, Freja poked my arm. “Eden. What would you wish for, if you could wish for anything?”

                I propped myself up on my elbow. “Why do you ask?”

                She lay down. “Just wonderin’.”

                I lay down as well and thought for a long moment. “I suppose I would wish that my mother and father were still alive.” I swallowed hard. “What would you wish for?”

                She was quiet for a moment, then she whispered. “I can’t tell you yet. Maybe someday.”

                Then she turned over and went to sleep.


Aaaand I have a playlist for my story, if anyone wants to listen to a piratey-based playlist. :-D

Sooo…that was my month. How was yours? Did you read any good books? Are you excited for April? And how is Camp Nano going for all of you writerly types?



  1. Oh my goodness. Those rocks are amazing!!! Ooh and that last quote is so good. *thumbs up*

  2. Captain Marvel and Into the Spider-verse were amazing! I love that rock tree, it's so cute. <3

  3. Waving Through a Window is such a good song. <3 Good luck on your writing escapades!! Your novel sounds so intriguing.

  4. That tree made out of rocks is amazing!
    And I love Grace Vanderwaal's songs as well. <33 And those snippets were wonderful. :D

    1. YES IT IS!!! :-D
      Yay!!! <33 Thank you!!! I had fun writing those particular scenes. ;-D

  5. I've been reading The Pawn and The Rook by Steven James. They're really good books! -June

    1. Ooh; I have not heard of those! Sounds cool! :-D

  6. Love the snippets!!!

    I'm not a rock-lover but take me to a place where they have pretty rocks and suddenly I LOVE ROCKS

    1. XD Thanks! XD

      I know!!! They're all so pretty! <333


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