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Liebster Award

Greetings, all!

I got tagged for this Liebster Award by Elijah K!

Rules (unfortunately there are some of these):

- Acknowledge the blogger(s) who nominated you for this award. (thank you, Elijah!)

- Answer 11 questions the blogger gave you.

- Give 11 random facts about yourself.

- Nominate 11 blogs and notify them.

- Give them 11 questions to answer.

Questions from Elijah:

What famous person do you most look like? 
     Margot Robbie was the one my mom said looked most like me.

What song is your life's soundtrack?

If your life was a documentary, who would you have narrate it?
Erm…well, that would be awkward to say the least…XD I guess maybe Benedict Cumberbatch. ‘cause I like his voice. 

Tell the story of how you conquered/were defeated by your childhood fear.
…I didn’t have a childhood fear…

Who is your second favorite president, and why?
Calvin Coolidge. And this is why. 

What is your nickname?
Do you really want to know?
I have two. Mem and Shoo. Don’t ask.
What chore do you absolutely hate doing?
MAKING SALAD. I know that’s not really a chore but I ABSOLUTELY HATE MAKING SALADS. 

What was the best thing before sliced bread?
Wait; what? 
…I do not compute. 

Would you rather look like a banana or feel like a banana?
WHAT THE HECK ELIJAH. Erm…definitely feel like a banana. 

If you had the world's attention for 30 seconds what would you say?
I'd give them the gospel. Everyone needs to hear it. 

What are you currently wearing?
…? XD Blue skinny jeans; a black tunic\shirt thing with yellow, red, and green flower designs on it; black sweatshirt; and silver hair clips and earrings. 

11 Facts about Myself: 

I love owls.  
My favorite beverage is hot chocolate. 
I hate lime green. 
I cannot write if I am cold. 
Skydiving is something I really want to try.
I will listen to any genre of music and find a song I like in that genre EXCEPT for heavy metal and country music. 
I can read Biblical Greek. 
I love fluffy things. 
Puns and sarcasm are my favorite types of humor.
Rogue One is my favorite Star Wars movie; followed closely by The Return of the Jedi and Solo. 
I’ve gotten Smaug on a Which Character Are You in The Hobbit quiz. 

AAANNNDDD we are done. I’m not going to tag anyone simply because I do not know who has already done this tag. XD HOWEVER; IF YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN TAGGED FOR THE LIEBSTER AWARD: YOU ARE NOW OFFICIALLY TAGGED BY ME. GO FORTH AND DO IT. YOU HAVE NO EXUSES. 
Here are your questions:

What is your favorite fictional bromance\non-romantic friendship?
Would you rather live on the moon or under the sea?
If you could paint your room any color you wanted; what color would you paint it?
What was the last song you listened to on repeat?
Worst line of dialogue you either wrote or read somewhere (you can decide which one you would like to answer XP).
What is your least favorite time period?
Would you rather spend an hour with your favorite fictional hero\ine or a day with your favorite author?
Are you a morning person, night owl, or not a person or owl at all?
If you had to change your name; what would you change it to?
Cats or dogs?
Do you want a dragon?
So…how is Camp Nano going for you all? Mine has been great so far. :-D
Would you rather be look like a banana, or feel like a banana??? And what song is your life's soundtrack?

Hope you all have a fantastic week! 



    XD And I loved the rest of this post too :)

  2. 1. Wild is the Wind
    2. Under the Sea
    3.Neon Green
    4. Arwen's Vigil by the Piano Guys and Run Devil Run by Crowder
    5. ???? No Clue 😕
    6. Cival War Era
    7. One day with favorite author
    8. Both Morning and Night I would say.
    9. Jason
    10. Dogs
    11. No, I want a small lizard, not a dragon.

    That answers the questions on the tag.
    My life soundtrack is probably "Test Drive" from How to Train Your Dragon.

    1. ...NEON GREEN? ARE YOU SERIOUS? ...that has got to be the worst color ever. XD
      Arwen's Vigil is one of my favorite songs. <33 I really like the name Jason!

      That song is SO cool. :-D

  3. PUNS!!! I love puns!!! Ask anyone who knows me well!

    It is so cool that you can read Biblical Greek. I tried a few times to learn Greek, but I never could figure it out.

    And yes! Everyone needs to hear the Gospel. 30 seconds well spent, if you ask me.

    I'm with you on not liking country, though I do listen to some heavy metal. I'm pretty picky about the latter, though.

    But it's a bummer that I've already done this because I love the questions that you asked. They're so good!

    1. Puns are great!!! :-D
      Thanks!!! It is pretty hard; but totally worth it. XD
      YES THEY DO!!! Definitely. :-)
      Yeah; I'd rather listen to heavy metal than country. XD
      Aw! :-( XD Thanks!!! :-D

  4. Hi Middle Earth Musician,

    I recently found your blog and have enjoyed it. The Liebster award post was great, especially since I had never heard of it before this post. That is amazing that you can read Biblical Greek!! That must have taken a lot of hard work. Rogue One is probably in my top three of the Star Wars movies. Although I would have to say that A New Hope is my favorite. :)

    1. Hello Pages!!! I'm so glad you have been enjoying my blog!!! Thank you! Greek is hard but pretty awesome. :-D Rogue One is awesome!!! Ah yes; ANH is definitely a top shelf movie. <3

  5. I REALLY want to try skydiving! Oh, I've never done this award but since you tagged me I guess I have to now *grins*


  6. Yesssss! Skydiving sounds awesome!


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