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Wrap up February\\Hello, March!

Greetings, all!

February is always an interesting month. Sometimes it feels like it drags on forever like the hour before lunch time does; other times it flies by so fast I wonder if I blinked.

And I have such a hard time spelling February. XD Does anyone else have this problem???

Anyway; I shall now relate what exactly I did this month.

Which honestly wasn’t much. XP

Music Listened to in February:

High Hopes by Panic! At the Disco
I don’t normally listen to P!atD music; but this song is an exception. Definitely one to listen to on a sunny, optimistic sort of day.

Who You Really Are from BBC Sherlock by David Arnold and Michael Price 
 After I finished the Sherlock show at the beginning of this month *sobs*, I listened to this song on repeat for about an hour. XD It’s so pretty; with the violin duets at the beginning that merge into the main theme. Ahh. <33

This is Home by Switchfoot 
Another music group that I don’t normally listen to. This song is so full of nostalgia though; you can’t help but listen to it over and over again (or maybe that’s just me…XD).

Movies Watched in February:

BBC Sherlock: The Final Problem* <\3
Meet the Robinsons <333
BBC Sherlock: The Abominable Bride 
Psych Series 1* (oh my word…this show is funny) 
Disney’s Squanto (better than I was expecting)
An American Tale: Fievel goes West
 Amanda and the Fox 
Wreck-It Ralph Breaks the Internet

*I watched these movies filtered on VidAngel

Books Devoured in February:

Tales of Redwall: The Bellmaker by Brian Jacques

The Warriors Series: Into the Wild by Erin Hunter

The Royal Ranger: The Red Fox Clan by John Flanagan

A Study in Scarlet by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

The Warriors Series: Fire and Ice by Erin Hunter

Tales of Mystery and Terror by Edgar Allen Poe

The Four Loves by C.S. Lewis <333

I didn’t read as much as I would have liked to this month; however, I did beta read several books by OYANers and fellow bloggers, which was AWESOME; so I guess I did read more than I put on this list. XP

Events that happened in February:

Lewis\Tolkien Costume Party-Some of our church friends hosted a C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien costume party at their house. It was AWESOME! I dressed up as Puddleglum from the Silver Chair. XD Present at the party were also several Pevensie children; a couple of little Reepicheeps; Kili and Thorin Oakenshield; Smaug the Chiefest and Greatest of Calamities; some centaurs; the White Witch; Eowyn of Rohan; a Nazgul; some naiads and dryads; a couple of hobbits; and even a minotaur. It was priceless.

^^^ My costume.

Valentine’s Day-For Valentine’s Day this year we got chocolates and root beer from our parents; which we ate and drank while we watched Wreck-It Ralph 2. It was a great time. :-D

Erm…I feel like there were more things that happened, but I can’t remember what they were. Oh well. XD

Writing in February:

I wrote 3,776 words this month. Eh. Most of my writing happened in small increments since I was working a ton of hours at my dojo and didn’t have a lot of spare time for writing.


Snippets of my writing from this month:

From Of Seas, Silver, and Shipmates.


Morning dawned not a moment too early for me. Contrary to popular belief; roosters-or at least the rooster that happened to be roosting right above our sleeping quarters-do not crow right at dawn. Instead, they crow the moment they wake up and they continue to crow well into the afternoon, as I found out that day.

This is one of the reasons I hate chickens so much. 


From my new sci-fi novel The Ship’s Log.


I furrowed my brow, struck by something she said. “Dani?”

“Hmm.” She glanced absently at me.

“You kept saying ‘us’ and ‘we’. But there’s only one of you. Who’s the other person?” 

“That would be you.”

“So I don’t get a choice to stay behind.”


I glared at her. She grinned at me. Then she looked at her d-watch and turned to the rest of the crew.

“We have six hours until we reach Nodnol. Plenty of time to tell you how Mavi and I got involved with Necro.” We all settled into various comfortable positions as she started her story.

“It all started out when I accidently injured Mavi, stole her hovcar, and then got punched in the face…” 


I saw a blur of purple and red then something hard hit me in the throat. I instinctively threw my hands up, letting my books fall to the ground, and punched at whatever was in front of me. My fist connected with something that felt like an elbow, and I heard a yelp of pain.

I fell to the sidewalk and gasped for air, massaging my throat. There was a thumping sound and I saw black boots hurrying towards me. Two hands grabbed my shoulders and pushed me to the ground. “I’m sorry! I didn’t see you there. It’s not that I could have stopped my fall, but maybe I could have avoided crashing into you. Are you alright?”


So, that was my month! Now tell me about yours! Did you read any good books? Have you ever dressed up as a Middle Earth or Narnia character? And is anyone else hyped for April Nano???



  1. I love your Puddleglum costume. Also Pysch is such an awesome TV show (also it has a movie that you may like once you finish watching all the seasons.) Also since you just began watching the show, I can give you recommend you some good episodes (that will be in later seasons, but you can look forward to watching them). :)

    I hope your March is as awesome as your February.
    Live long and prosper,

    1. P.S. Oops, I was thinking too fast while typing *I can give you some recommendations for good episodes.

    2. Thanks!!! :-D YES IT IS!!! Ooh, thanks!!! I will be sure to remember to ask you about them. ;-D
      Yes!!! Same for you!!!
      Live long and prosper!

  2. I'm so looking forward to Camp NaNo!! Would you like to be in the Fellowship of the Keyboards again? I've started it up already, but I haven't officially gone around asking the old gang back together yet. xD There's a couple of us already though and we'd love to have you back!! :D

    1. YES, AND YES!!! I would love to be! Can't wait!!! :-D <3


    I love your excerpts. Especially the one from Of Seas, Silver, and Shipmates. XD

    1. I AGREE!!! XD

      Haha, thanks!!! That one is from one of my favorite scenes. ;-D

    -XOXO, BEA.

  5. Wow, I love your Puddleglum costume! I was actually in a play of LWW and since our homeschool group was short on boys I played Mr. Beaver. :P I've never dressed up as a specific LotR character, but I've been a hobbit or elf for last minute costume events several times.

    1. Thank you Awdur!!! That's so awesome!!! I love the Beavers. <33 Cool! :-D

  6. I loved reading about your month! I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT CAMP NANO I CAN'T EVEN.


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