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Aesthetic Bookshelves\\mostly because i didn't have a blog post planned\\ALL THE BOOKS

Greetings, all! 

 I didn't have any ideas for a blog post today (I didn't have one for last week either, hence the lack of a post XD), so I decided I would just show ya'll what I worked on all this morning. 

Thanks to Jane Maree for giving me inspiration...

TA DA!!! 


Anyway, that's all I have for you today. XD

How has your week been? What books are you reading right now? AND CAN WE JUST ALL APRECIATE COLOR COORDINATION PLEASE??? XD



  1. Oooh, I love these! <3 Goals. <3 <3

  2. That. Looks. AMAZING!! *gapes* I applaud you - anyone who can color-coordinate their bookshelves and not lose their mind doing it is incredible!

    1. Thank you Nicole!!! I'm pretty sure I didn't lose my mind...but you never know. XP

  3. Your book shelf looks so amazing, MEM. I love the colors. :D

  4. YES!!! YOU DID SO WELL! 😍 I'm so proud of you right now. xD

  5. I love your bookcase. It looks great. I'm not sure I would be brave enough to do that because I'd have to split up my series. :O

    1. Thank you Rachel!!! I know! That was the biggest problem I had when organizing mine. :-Z

  6. Oooooh, that's really nice! I would organize my bookshelves by color, but it bugs me so much when my books that are in a series aren't next to each other :P


    1. Thanks, Ceci!!! I know; my siblings were getting pretty mad at me when I did color coordination for that reason. XD

  7. *gasp* BEAUTIFUL!!

    (Also, I spy Pearl Maiden? That's an old favorite!)

    1. Thanks!!! :-D

      (Yes you do!!! It's so good. <33)

  8. I love your book shelves!! Good job!

  9. Oooh this is so pretty!! 😍😍 I colour-coordinate my shelves too, I love it so much, it's the best thing 😍😂

    1. Thanks!!! <33 Ooh awesome!!! I know, right??? :-D


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