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Wrapping Up January\\Hello, February!

Greetings, all! 

…and yet somehow I managed to not get very much done last month. :-Z Oh well. At least I listened to a lot of music. XD

Music Listened to in January

Brother Mine by David Arnold and Michael Price 
This song is so eerie and beautiful; and I love the string solo in the middle.

West Coast by Imagine Dragons 
I’ve been listening to a lot of ID music this month; and while I don’t normally like their more light-hearted music, this one caught my attention-and I may or may not have listened to it 10 or more times in a row…XD I love the chorus.

My Love Has Gone Across the Sea by Andrew and Skye Peterson 
We just finished reading the Wingfeather Saga as a family (OH MY WORD THAT ENDING THOUGH :-O); and so I went and listened to the soundtrack of the first episode of the mini-series. This song was definitely my favorite. <333

Monster by Imagine Dragons
Another ID song I liked. This one really resonated with me for some inexplicable reason. My sisters think it’s creepy though…XD

(last song I promise) My Soul Can Fly by Epic Score
If you don’t listen to any of the other songs I shared in this post; at least listen to this one. It’s chilling. <3

(whew, that was a lot of songs XD)

Movies Watched in January\End of December

(I never did a wrap up of December because I did one of 2018; so here are the movies I watched in January plus the ones I watched after Christmas in December. :-D)

BBC’S Sherlock Seasons 2-4.2 


(Can I just say though; I relate so much to Sherlock it’s scary. XD I even took a personality test for the series and got him as my character. Twice.) 

The Abominable Bride (basically Sixth Sense meets Sherlock in the 1880s. Awesome.) 

The Hunger Games  


Catching Fire

The Mockingjay: Part 1

The Mockingjay: Part 2 

Christopher Robin <33333

Avengers: Infinity War <\3 <\3 <\3  

Books Read in January

Blank Mastermind by Rosey Mucklestone (EEEEEEEE!!!)

Ranger’s Apprentice: The Ruins of Gorlan by John Flanagan

Ranger’s Apprentice: The Emperor of Nihon-Ja by John Flanagan

Ranger’s Apprentice: The Royal Ranger by John Flanagan (this one made me so sad…)

The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle <3

Sign of the Four by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle <3

Brotherband: The Invaders by John Flanagan

Thirty Years Among South Sea Cannibals by John Paton (this memoir was amazing-definitely a must-read)

Events of January

(erm; what exactly did happen in January?)

A Lot of Parties\An Introvert’s Worst Nightmare-Yeah, we went to a lot of parties this month. Some of them I would have been fine not attending; but some of them were a blast. The most notable were my brother’s 13th Jurassic Park b-day party; my grandpa’s 70th b-day party; a friend’s 17th Bunco b-day party; my family’s New Year’s game party; and one of my very best friend’s awesome 18th b-day party.

Winter Carnival-Every year; a town up in the mountains of my home state has a Winter Carnival where artists create ice and snow sculptures for a chance to win a contest. This year’s theme was Heroes and Legends. Here are some of our favorite sculptures:

Man with Glasses 

Gnome (isn’t he adorable?) 

The Incredibles (Frozone is my favorite. XD) 

Gandalf (I couldn’t get a good picture because we were in the car. Darn it.) 

Spider-Man Comic Book 

Ocean Scene (this one won first place) 


It was a ton of fun going up there to see them and go sledding. :-)

Writing Completed in January

One of my goals this year was to write more than I did last year. This month’s word count was 4,140; which is a huge improvement over what my monthly word count has been. Now; on to write even more words in February. ;-D

Aaaand, that’s a wrap. XD

Now tell me about your month! Did you listen to any good music? Go to any parties? Have you seen either Sherlock and\or The Hunger Games?

Have a great February!


P.S. My sincerest apologies to everyone who has commented on the past couple of blog posts: I promise I will answer your comments soon. Have some cookies while you're waiting as compensation for my tardiness. *gives you cookies* :-) 


  1. Wow - those snow sculptures look really really cool!

    I saw The Abominable Bride and it kinda freaked me out a bit - though it was fun to see Sherlock and Watson in their proper 1800s sphere, LOL.

    Awesome wrap-up, MEM!


    1. BTW - I just found you on Spotify. Look under your followers and you can stalk me from there :)

    2. They were!!! :-D

      XD Yeah, it was a little creepy. XD I agree!!!

      Thanks!!! And yes! I'm following you now!!! You have some great playlists. ;-D

  2. Hello! I hope 2019 is great for you so far :) I haven't watched 'Sherlock' and 'The Hunger Games' either, but I heard a lot about those movies. Especially 'The Hunger Games' - my friend is obsessed with the film and the books, haha. I hope to give them a go one day! Congratulations on reading 8 books in January! :D Unfortunately I haven't read any book this year yet, oops... *school, school, school...* I have to change it in February! Winter carnival sounds AMAZING!! All the sculptures look so great! I hope February will bring a lot of nice experiences to you <3

    1. It is!!! I hope it is for you as well. Yes! You shall have to someday. XD
      Thanks!!! Oh, well. School is pretty important. ;-D
      It was!!! Thank you!!! <333

  3. I haven't seen either of Sherlock or the Hunger Games. But I know a lot of people think they are good.
    Though I am not a fan of the Hunger Games, but I do think the Sherlock TV series sounds awesome.
    Also the Gandalf ice sculpture looks so cool. :)

    1. Sherlock is super cool!!! There is some pretty inappropriate stuff in it though...:-Z But Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman are awesome together. XD
      Yes! It was one of my favorites. XD

  4. Wow! Did you like The Hunger Games?
    The Abominable Bride looks so cool, set during the actual Sherlock Holmes-era and everything!! How was it?!

    Thanks to your Ship's log playlist I found Imagine Dragons' song On Top of The World and I love it. :) AHHH they sculpted Gandalf!! That is so awesome! :D

    1. I did!!! Almost better than the books, actually. XD
      YES!!! IT WAS AWESOME!!! One of my favorite episodes. <333

      XD That's super cool! I love that song too. XD YES I KNOW!!!


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