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Wrap Up November, HELLO DECEMBER!!!

Greetings, all! 

IT’S DECEMBER!!! IT’S TIME FOR CHRISTMAS AND PRETTY LIGHTS AND HOT CHOCOLATE (who am I kidding, I drink hot cocoa all year long XD) AND SNOW!!! At least, snow if you live in a place where it snows. Sorry, Australians; however, you’re welcome to some of our snow. Take as much as you need. XD

Unfortunately, before I can embark on the ship of Christmasy (totally a word) blog posts, I must give an overview of my November.


I can’t even remember very much of my November.

Oh well, here we go. I apologize in advance for any absent-mindedness or craziness. I’m high on sugar.

My mood: 

Music Listened to in November

Burn the Ships by for King and Country


When Jesus Saved the World by Efisio Cross

I love how this song conveys all the emotion of Jesus saving the world without any lyrics. <3

The Greatest Show covered by for King and Country 

I freaked out the first time I heard this song. Wow.

Carry on Wayward Son covered by Peter Hollens 

I’m not a fan of the rock guitar, but I love Peter’s voice in this song.


Movies Watched in November

Prince of Egypt 

(I love this movie. It still gives me shivers.)

 The Fellowship of the Ring

(We had our annual November LotR marathon! EEEEEEeeeEEE!) 

 The Two Towers

 The Return of the King

 The LEGO Movie



 The Unexpected Journey

Books Read in November

Ranger’s Apprentice: The Siege at Macindaw by John Flanagan

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

Fawkes by Nadine Brandes <333

Ranger’s Apprentice: Erak’s Ransom by John Flanagan

Ranger’s Apprentice: The Kings of Clonmel by John Flanagan

Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners by John Bunyan (this book is SO. GOOD.)

Brotherband: The Outcasts by John Flanagan

Events that Happened in November

Kung Fu Show: My brother and I participated in our Dojo’s annual Kung Fu show! I performed two forms; a sword form and a fighting form. It was a great fun, and went much smoother that last year’s show. XD

NaNoWriMo: Welp, I did NaNoWriMo for the first time. I didn’t reach the 50k word goal (by a loooooong shot); but I did get really into my story and added a couple of chapters to it. And I had fun. XD Here are a few snippets for your enjoyment (excuse any typos; this is a very rough draft). 


So I remained in London, working quietly in a bakery, waiting for Colin to send word that it was safe. That word never came. The Revrend Jacobson sent a letter to me-along with a letter that was already addressed to me that he had found among Colin’s papers-telling me he had died.” She stopped talking. I looked up at her and was surprised to see tears glistening in her dark eyes.

“Why didn’t you come and see me then?” I asked.

Elani turned onto the main road that led away from the village. A watery beam of sunlight pushed its way through the thick fog and illuminated her strong features. “I couldn’t. I began to notice that unfriendly eyes tracking my every movement, and see signs that my home was being watched now as well. I determined to find out what excactly William had been up to, and what correlation these hostile visitors had to him and his buisness. And what I found out was not what I had hoped I would.”

The beam of sunlight gave up its weak resistance to the fog and died.

My heart beat in my chest as I asked the question, “What did you discover?”

“That William was still alive, and that he had murdered your father.”


We reached the next town by sundown. Along the way, we passed many other refugees, most of whom I recognized. Everyone was quiet; the fog seemed to cast a shadow over their spirits. When we entered the village’s first inn we were immediately turned away. The innkeeper, a thin flaxen haired man, shook his head when we asked where other lodging could be found.

“I don’t reckon you’ll find any,” he said. “As far as I know, all the inns in this town are full to the bursting. You could try a local farmer, I suppose. They usually have a barn or shed to spare.”

Wonderful. Another night spent in hay.

Elani thanked the innkeeper then turned to me as he shut the door. “I don’t want to draw too much attention to ourselves. Let’s go and try another inn on the other side of town before we ask for a night in a farmer’s outbuilding.”

I heartily agreed with her.

As it turned out, there was a room-if such a location can even be given such a respectable name-in one of the inns in the…well; more disreputable part of town. After we entered the dank, moldy eating room filled with refugees and shabbily dressed tradesmen, Elani accosted the innkeeper-this time a man with long black hair and missing an eye-to ask for a room. He gave her a bad-natured grunt.

“I’ve got a cellar room. Think that’ll do?” He shifted the large cask he held.

Elani tilted her head. “Yes. Price?”

He eyed her momentarily. “One night?”

She inclined her head again. “Yes.”

He tapped his finger on his leg. “1 shilling.”

Elani raised her eyebrow at him. “How good is the room?”

He snorted. “Woman, my rooms are as good as they come. Want it or not?”

She exhaled slowly. “We’ll take it.”

After being shown to the cellar room, which constisted of stone walls dripping with moisture and dirt floor covered with what appeared to be mouse droppings, I wondered if spending the night in a farmer’s shed would have been preferable. Elani paid the man-but didn’t thank him, I noticed-and then shut the door after him.

And I made some collages; the first one is for my mentor character Elani, and the second is for some backstory with Eden’s father, Elani, and a guy named William. *wink, wink* 

John Calvin Play: Every year my siblings and I participate in a Christian History Play. This year our play was about John Calvin, a French reformer. I got to play a couple of fairly prominent women parts, and I even got some lines and DID NOT FORGET THEM! It was one of our smoother plays too. :-D No one forgot any of their important lines, and there were no causalities. XD

Thanksgiving: I had a great Thanksgiving! Food, carols, performing House of Gold by TOP on my ukulele (AND NOT MESSING UP!), and watching Tangled with my family. What more could you ask for? XD

That was my month! Now, tell me about yours. Did you watch any good movies? Who else was in NaNo? How was your Thanksgiving?





  1. Can I just say that I am super jealous of your Lord of the Rings marathon?? THANKS! XD


    Congrats on your first NaNo! I’m so glad you did it even if you didn’t reach the 50k! I still haven’t tried NaNo :P

    Wow, it looks like you had a great month! My family has already started watching Christmas movies and listening to Christmas music so yeah, I’m pretty excited for Christmas too!!! I also can’t wait for my annual winter break Hobbit/LoTR extended edition marathon!!! That’s probably the most exciting thing about December for me (besides Christmas)! It was about 24 hours last time and I’m crossing my fingers that I won’t fall asleep this year!

    1. I DO!!! It's a lot of fun to play. :-D
      Thanks!!! It was pretty hard. :-Z XD
      I did!!! Haha, so have we. XD That sounds like so much fun!!! Yes! Drink lots of caffeine and you should be good. XD Have fun!!!

  3. I LOVE the collages you made, also YES, A LOTR MARATHON! :D (Tangled is awesome too)

    1. Thanks Quinley! IT WAS AWESOME!!! (haha, it is. XD)

  4. I approve of the fact that Fawkes got a heart after it. That is the only right way to display the book title. xD

    Also YES, ISN'T BURN THE SHIPS JUST AMAZING?? I've basically been listening to the album on repeat because it's just so gooood.

    1. Ah, good, good. XD I think it is too. ;-D
      YES!!! I LOVE IT. <333

  5. I love the snippets! And Lord of the Rings marathon!! YESSS!!!!

  6. Hi! were June and Jose! The lord of the rings and Sherlock are the best!

    1. Hi June and Jose! Good to have you here. Yes! They are! :-D

  7. Ooh I enjoyed reading your snippets!! I'm super excited for Christmas too!! CHRISTMAS IS THE BEST TIME OF YEAR. 😂 (Tho I can't believe it's come so quickly?? November went by so fast, I swear the whole month only lasted about a minute 😬)

    1. Thanks Andrea!!! YES IT IS!!! (I feel that same way! Like, wasn't Christmas only a few months ago? WHAT IS THIS SORCERY??? XD)


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