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Wrap Up October, Hello November!

Greetings All! 

(ssh I totally know it's November 10th) 

October has got to be my favorite month; the changing leaves, the crisp air, the gloomy days; and for us; school starting up again. There is something comforting in starting a new schedule and opening up a new school book. For me anyway. XP Not to metion the brand-new pencils…XD

October’s Music

The Flight of the Silverbird by Two Steps from Hell
This song is so much fun to listen to! I can totally imagine a bird with a long silver tail sweeping across the sky when I play it.

Darkness Keeps Chasing Me by Grace Vanderwaal 
I had never heard this song of Grace’s before, but when I borrowed her album from the library I instantly fell in love with it. The cello part and her voice mash perfectly together, and don’t even get me started on the lyrics. <333 

Waltz for Mary and John
This song. <333 

October’s Movies:

Sixth Sense
This movie was AMAZING. A little disturbing and creepy, but the story and characters and twists were so good!!! <333

The Lovebug
Big family hit. XD

 Herbie Rides Again 

Oliver Twist 
This movie was very well done. *thumbs up*

Captain America: Civil War

October’s Books

Half-Moon Investigations by Eoin Colfer

A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket

Dragon Seed by Marty Machowski

The Supernaturalist by Eoin Colfer

The Rithamist by Brandon Sanderson

Artemis Fowl: The Atlantis Complex by Eoin Colfer

Dracula by Bram Stoker (‘cause it was October, okay guys? XD)

Ranger’s Apprentice: The Icebound Land by John Flanagan

Ranger’s Apprentice: The Battle for Skandia by John Flanagan

Ranger’s Apprentice: The Sorcerer of the North by John Flanagan

A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Reptile Room by Lemony SNicket

The Ranger’s Apprentice Early Years: The Tournament at Gorlan by John Flanagan

October’s Events

School Starting: Welp, I’m officially in 11th grade now (only one more year of schol, omw I’M NOT READY), and let me say, junior year is so far the easiest year I’ve had in high school so far. I only have Hebrew, Greek translating, French, American History, Chemistry, and some reading and writing to occupy my school hours. I just finished a crash-course Sci-Fi and Fantasy writing curriculum that was SO AMAZING AND HELPFUL. It’s making me so excited to start my sci-fi novel after Nano. :-D 

Reformation Day: We didn’t do a huge celebration this year for Reformation Day, just went over to a friend’s house to hang out and freeze to death outside. I should have worn my jacket…XD

So that was my month! Now tell me about yours! Did you watch any creepy movies? Listen to any good songs? How is Nano treating all you writerly types out there? :-D

(I promise I’ll fill you all in on what’s happening in my pirate story, Of Seas, Silver, and Shipmates soon. Nano has opened some doors into my story that I didn’t see coming…XD)



  1. Hey Mem!
    Wow, you read a lot! I started reading the Series of Unfortunate Events, but it had to go back to the library :\

    I also read the Rangers' Apprentice books recently! I'm up to the Sorcerer in the North. The Brotherband books are really good too!

    1. Hey Ral!!! I sure did! Aw; I hate when books have to go back to the library before you're done with them. :-Z That series is REALLY good though. :-D
      Ooh, cool! I just finished the one after that. They're so good! Ooh, nice! I'll have to check those out sometime. ;-D

  2. I read The Bad Beginning and The Reptile Room last month, too! Along with The Wide Window. I'm looking forward to the rest of the series. ^-^

  3. *gasps* You’ve read book 7 of Artemis Fowl?? In that case: 55555!!! ;)

    1. Yes I have! *wards off evil fours* Thanks! XD ;-D

  4. Yesss The Sixth Sense and the Darkness Keeps Chasing Me by Grace Vanderwaal are both so amazing!!!

    I hope you have a great November. <3

    1. YES THEY ARE!!! <3
      Thank you Gray!!! :-) I hope you do too. <33

  5. That's SO cool you found time to read so many books and watch some movies! I would love to spend my time reading and watching, but unfortunately I'm snowed under with my school duties, argh... Good luck with your school :) I hope November is great for you :D

    1. Thanks Ann! Yes, school has a way of doing that...:-Z Thanks! Good luck with yours too! I hope November is fantastic for you as well.

  6. Ah yes, The Lovebug is family favorite in our house as well. :D Like I've said before, I really need to watch Oliver Twist!! Perhaps we'll get it on Netflix sometime soon. Do you think it would be alright for my siblings to watch...?

    WOW you read so many books this past month, good for you! OOH YES YOUR SCI-FI NOVEL. I CAN'T WAIT TO HEAR MORE ABOUT IT.

    1. Haha, I didn't know that! It was a cute movie. YES YOU DO!!! ;-D Um, I think some of them might be a little creeped out at times...but Kayla might be able to. :-) Only Seth and I watched it, but that's just because the others were in bed. XD
      Thanks!!! :-D YES DON'T WORRY YOU WILL. I am SOOOO excited about it! :-D

  7. Holy moly, that is a lot of books, MEM!

    Your school classes sound so cool! I wish I had been able to take Hebrew and Greek in school, LOL.

    NaNo has been slooooowwwww. Only about 8k words written. Bleck.

    1. XD Thanks Catherine!!! XD
      Thanks! They're awesome languages to learn, but they take up a lot of time. XD Hebrew especially. :-D
      SAME!!! This November is not giving me inspiration. Hey, 8k words is super great! It's way more than I have. XD Keep going! You can do it!!!


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