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20 Questions Book Tag

Greetings, all!

I was tagged by the lovely Kendra Lynne to participate in this 20 Questions Book Tag!


She has no idea who did this tag, or what the rules are, so I’m just going to assume they’re the normal tag rules. XD

Thank you for tagging me, Kendra! Let’s get started.

1.       how many books are too many books in a book series?

(That is a lot of books. XD) I honestly don’t think you can have too many! The biggest series I have read is the Redwall series by Brian Jaqcues with a whopping total of 22 novels and 2 children’s books. My personal preference is around 8-10 books, but I will gladly read as many books as there are in a series.

2.       how do you feel about cliffhangers?

Mwuahahahaha…I love them. As my poor beta readers know, when I write stories, I tend to leave them ALL. ON. A. CLIFFHANGER. EVERY ONE. And it’s awesome.

3.       hardback or paperback?

I don’t care either way. Hardbacks are prettier, I do admit, but they’re more expensive. :-Z

4.       favorite book?


5.       least favorite book?

Erm…let’s see…actually, I can’t think of one. I’ve started some books that I ended up not finishing, but that was mostly because of content issues. I usually like all the books I read.

6.       love triangles, yes or no?

NOPE. I always feel so bad for the person who isn’t loved in return *cough, cough* Legolas and Peeta *cough, cough* Although I do admit, sometimes they can further a plot. Sometimes.

7.       the most recent book you just couldn’t finish?

Tales of Redwall: Martin the Warrior by Brian Jaqcues. I’ve read it two or three times before, so it wasn’t a huge deal. I just got into another book instead. :-P

8.       a book you’re currently reading?

Ranger’s Apprentice: The Kings of Clonmel by John Flanagan.

9.       last book you recommended to someone?

Fawkes by Nadine Brandes.

10.   oldest book you’ve read? (publication date)

So, I’ve read a ton of really old books, but most of them weren’t officially published until more recently (because the printing press even wasn’t invented until 1440-1450...). So, the only old book I know the publishing date for certain is Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners by John Bunyan, published in 1666. :-)


11.   newest book you’ve read? (publication date)

I think it’s Fawkes (again) by Nadine Brandes, published in 2018.

12.   favorite author?

Arg. Another favorite. *glares at tag* Probably C.S. Lewis, followed closely by J.R.R. Tolkien, N.D. Wilson, and Douglas Bond.

13.   buying books or borrowing books?

Buying. Because then I can own them and smell them and read them WHENEVER I WANT. But borrowing will work when I don’t have money. XD

14.   a book you dislike that everyone else seems to love?


15.   bookmarks or dog-ears?


16.   a book you can always reread?

The Greatest Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle. <333

17.   can you read while hearing music?

Yes, but only instrumental music.


18.   one POV or multiple POVs?

I like both. :-D

19.   do you read a book in one sitting or over multiple days?

It depends on how intriguing it is and how much time I have to spend; but I prefer in one sitting.

20.   who do you tag?

My favorite part!!! XD

Here are your questions! :-D

1. how many books are too many books in a book series?
2. how do you feel about cliffhangers?
3. hardback or paperback?
4. favorite book?
5. least favorite book?
6. love triangles, yes or no?
7. the most recent book you just couldn’t finish?
8. a book you’re currently reading?
9. last book you recommended to someone?
10. oldest book you’ve read? (publication date)
11. newest book you’ve read? (publication date)
12. favorite author?
13. buying books or borrowing books?
14. a book you dislike that everyone else seems to love?
15. bookmarks or dog-ears?
16. a book you can always reread?
17. can you read while hearing music?
18. one POV or multiple POVs?
19. do you read a book in one sitting or over multiple days?
20. who do you tag?

Now it’s your turn to talk! What book are you reading right now? Do you like cliffhangers? And what’s a book you can always re-read?



  1. Ooo, this is such a cool tag!

    THE REDWALL SERIES HAD 22 BOOKS??? Gah, that seems like a lot..... I never even went past the second. 😬

    (Also, your pictures are so aesthetic. Like, how????)

    1. Isn't it?!?! I had so much fun doing it. :-D
      YES IT DID!!! I think I own about half of them. XD The earlier ones weren't actually as good as the later ones. :-)
      (Haha, thanks! <3 I have a lot of fun with book photos. XD)

  2. How fun! I agree--I love Sherlock Holmes as well, those stories are good anytime! :D These pictures are all great! Very fun post. Ooh, and thanks for tagging me! I shall be sure to do this sometime in the (hopefully) near future! :)

    1. XD Yes!!! They never get old for me. <3 Thank you!!! Photography is a hobby of mine. XD You're welcome! I can't wait to see your post. :-)

  3. Thanks for tagging me! I'll have to get to this net month. It looks fun.

    1. You're welcome, Rachel! I can't wait to read your post. :-D

  4. All of your book pictures are so pretty!

    I'm always so conflicted on cliffhangers, on one hand they physically and emotionally hurt me, and on the other, they hurt so good??? XD

    1. Thank you, Gray! <3
      Haha, I totally get that. It's a good kind of pain. ;-)

  5. I loved your answers, MEM! I'm currently reading 3 books right now, haha.
    1) Ozland by Wendy Spinale 2)The Boy in the Striped Pajamas and 3) Adventures of Sherlock Holmes.

    UGH. I like cliffhangers and I don't like cliffhangers! They keep me awake at night XD(how can I become a beta reader? I'm kind of interested!)

    And I can always re-read Sherlock Holmes as well. I love those stories!!!

    1. Thanks Fawnabelle! Cool! I have never read the first two books you motioned; I may need to check them out. XD AND YES FOR SHERLOCK!!! *high fives*
      Heeehee, yes they most certainly do. XD (I may be elaborating on that in the future; my story isn't quite ready for reading yet but when it is I will let you know. ;-D)
      YES!!! <3


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