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Wrap Up July\Hello, August! + A HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT!!!

Greetings, all!

Welp, it’s once again the start of another month. Already. XD For me this month was actually fairly slow, and I got a ton of reading and writing done. I’ve been super tired though; my adrenaline must have been depleted from these last few months. XD I hope you all had an awesome July!!! Also hope that Camp Nano went well for you all. It was super fun for me.

July’s Music:
Shape of You Piano Cover by Niko Kotoulas
This guy is good. I really enjoy this cover of Shape of You by Ed Sheeran (this is the only version of that song I listen to…the original is not very appropriate. XD)

Ready Aim Fire by Imagine Dragons

Not All Heroes Wear Capes by Owl City
This song is so sweet. I definitely like this acoustic version better than the original.  

July’s Movies
Jurassic World
 The Seeker
The Village (wow, just wow)
Peter Rabbit
Man of Steel
The Incredibles 2
Doctor Strange <3
 Star Trek (2009)
 The Clone Wars (yes, we are starting the TV series once again XD)

July’s Books
Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident by Eoin Colfer
Tales of Redwall: Marlfox by Brian Jacques
The War of the Worlds, The Invisible Man, The Island of Doctor Moreau, When the Sleeper Wakes, The First Men on the Moon, The Sea Lady by H.G. Wells (well, that’s a lot of disturbing sci-fi books :-Z)

July Events
Camp Nano: Camp Nano was awesome this month!!! I had a lot of fun. Not as much happened in our cabin as last July, but there were one or two memorable occasions…including the name of our cabin being changed from The Fellowship of the Keyboards to The Frogship of the Keyboards (why “frogship” Jane??? XD) and Quinley's and my characters sort of…rebelled…I think they were fed up with our tortures. XD All in all it was a fantastic Camp. I completed my goal…after I lowered it…and I was very happy to get my certificate. (I’m official now XD) Of Seas, Silver, and Shipmates has a wonderful head start. (And yes, you will be hearing more about it in the future, don’t you worry. XD)

Moving: YES WE OFFICIALLY MOVED!!! Not into our new house yet, but out of our old one and into my grandparent’s house. We have been painting our new house, and as soon as the new carpet gets laid we will move in. I’m excited!!! We’re only about a two-minute walk to the library, and it’s such a tiny town that we could pretty much bicycle or walk to everything else. :-D
Incredibles 2 in Theater: One of my best friends had a birthday this month, so to celebrate we went and saw Incredibles 2 in the theater. It was better than I was anticipating, and I enjoyed it. There were a couple of things in it that I did not care for, but all in all I’m glad I saw it. :-)

July Writing
I wrote 5,511 words this month in Of Seas, Silver, and Shipmates. XD I also started working on a new song and possibly thinking about a short story. More updates on those in the future.

*drum roll*
Music, Mystery, Middle Earth, and Mitochondria is ONE YEAR OLD!!!
*confetti horns blow*
It technically was one year old last week…but I sort of forgot…so oops. XD
ANYWAY. In celebration I will be posting an Ask Me Anything post next week. You can ask your questions in the comment section below and I will answer them (providing they are not inappropriate. If they are I reserve the right to refuse to answer them. :-))
I hope you all have an AWESOME August!!!
Talk to me in the comments! How was your July? How was Camp Nano (if you participated)? Have you been reading any good books? Who has seen The Incredibles 2?





    1. Least favorite book
    2. That one character that always annoys you no matter what
    3. That one character that you love but you just want to hit with a frying pan
    4. Why did you start this blog?
    5. Why the name?


    1. THANK YOU CECI!!!

      Ooh, those are awesome questions. I am excited to answer them! :-)

    2. That trhird question is AWESOME, Ceci!! There are a lot characters that I adore yet I want to hit upside the head... preferably with a frying pan. XD

    3. Oops. I meant to type third. *headdesk*

  2. It sounds like your July was awesome, MEM! :D And yeah our characters did kind of...rebel...against us. *Looks over at Horatio* I think he is still trying to start a rebellion. *whispers* I should never let my characters watch Star Wars.
    Also as for movies you watched this July, I love the movie Peter Rabbit too, and I love that Beatrix's boyfriend wanted to open a toy shop to make Harrods regret that they fired him. XD (I regret showing my characters that movie...I think that may have inspired one of their rebellion ideas.)
    Also to answer your questions below, my July was good, and my Camp NaNo was really fun, I've been reading a lot of good books :), and I LOVE The Incredibles 2.

    1. It was! :-D *whispers back* You let them watch SW??? Oh, dear. :-O ;-D I know! That part was funny. XD Yay!!! I'm glad your July went well. Incredibles 2 was really fun. :-D

  3. Also for your Q & A blog post.
    1. what character(s) would you marry?
    2. Have you ever had a character you thought shouldn't have died? who and why?
    3. *whispers* do you have information on our characters rebellion?
    4. If your life was a book what would it be called?
    5. Dark side or light side?
    6. If you had the one ring what would you do with it?
    Hope you enjoyed my questions,

    1. Ooh, awesome questions!!! Thank you!!! I can't wait to answer them. ;-D

  4. CONGRATS on your blogoversary! I just found your blog (sad that I didn’t find it earlier), but YAY!!

    As for questions:
    - Morning person or night owl?
    - What's your favorite type of character to write about? (Interpret this how you will. ;) )
    - Do you know how to play any instruments?

    Again, happy blogoversary!

    1. Thank you, Nicole! :-D <3

      Ooh, cool questions!!! Thanks!!! Can't wait to answer them on my post!

      Thank you!!!

  5. Congrats on your blogoversary!! Let's see if I can't think of a few questions...

    1. What's a favorite Camp NaNo experience (in light of the recent camp)
    2. Why do you write?
    3. What is one piece of encouragement you would give other writers?

    1. Thank you Sarah!!! Wow, those are great questions! Thank you!!! :-)

  6. Happy blogoversary! :DD

    -Coffee or tea (or something else?)

    -Favorite type of scene to write in a books

    -How do you come up with names for your WIPs?

    -Any favorite booktubers?

    1. :-D Thanks Gray!!! And thanks for the questions!!! <3

  7. Congratulations!!!

    Milk or dark chocolate?
    Do you have a favorite superhero/heroine?
    What was your favorite book that you read this month?
    If you had a pet what would it be and what would you mane it?
    Favorite dessert?
    Favorite pizza topping?
    What is your favorite song that you've written?
    If you could spend an hour with anyone who ever lived, who would it be?
    London or Paris?


    1. Thanks Grace! Awesome questions!!! Can't wait to answer them! :-)

  8. Woo-hoo!! Congrats on one year of blogging, MEM! Sounds like a very fun, eventful month! :)

    Oh, and since you're doing an Ask Me Anything post, I simply must ask you some questions...

    1. Are you more of a John Watson or a Sherlock Holmes?
    2. Favorite movie soundtrack?
    3. Favorite superhero?
    4. M&Ms or Skittles (or something else...)?
    5. Do you prefer phone calls or would you rather talk with the person face to face?

    Hooray for one year of blogging! :D

    1. Thank you Anna!!! It was! Yes, you must. ;-D I like them! Can't wait to answer them. ;-D Thank you again!

  9. The frogship is tradition, girl. XD

    *whispers* You should do a vlog. It'd be awesome.

    - What is the craziest thing you've done for story research?
    - What authors do you look up to/admire?
    - What is your record for highest word count in one day?
    - What's the grossest thing you've ever eaten? (sorry, not sorry XD)
    - Favourite food?

    1. Oh, haha. So that's why you did it. XD
      *whispers back* I would love to, but my dad probably wouldn't like that. We will have to see. :-D
      Ooh, awesome questions!!! The question is...the thing that I thought was the grossest, or what I thought was good but most people would think was gross? XD Thank you Jane!!!

    2. How about we make it 'the thing you thought was the grossest' because that's easier to answer.

  10. Great post! That's super amazing the move to the new house in in progress :D I hope August will be wonderful for you! Here's my questions for your upcoming post:
    • What's your favourite season and why?
    • Do you watch any series?
    • Are you afraid of spiders?
    • How many times have you been abroad?
    • What colour are your eyes?
    • Do you have Internet friends?
    • What countries would you like to visit?
    • Cats or dogs?
    • Fruit or vegetables?

    1. Thank you, Ann! I hope August will be wonderful for you as well. :-) Thanks so much for the questions! Can't wait to answer them!

    2. Thank you, Ann! I hope August will be wonderful for you as well. :-) Thanks so much for the questions! Can't wait to answer them!

  11. I know one thing you've eaten that I thought was gross. I still can't believe you thought they were good. XP

    *with a french accent* Here are your questions, madame:
    -One thing you absolutely, undeniably, canNOT be without anywhere you go:
    -How do you feel about Jar Jar Binks?
    -A character you have liked almost enough to have a crush on:
    -The worst compliment you have ever gotten (a compliment you thought was in bad taste):
    -Your favorite piece of music from a soundtrack:

    Have fun! :D

    1. Haha...were they the fisheyes? XD I thought they were good. XD
      Ooh, I like those questions. Merci, Madame. XD

    2. YES THEY WERE THE FISH-EYES... blech... XP

  12. Hey, and if you did a vlog I could be the one giving you the questions... ;)

    1. Aw, I wish you could! The only problem is if I do a vlog I would do it this weekend. Next time though, we shall do that. :-)

    2. I will make a mental note of that. :D


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