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Wrap Up August\Hello, September!

Greetings, all!

I think I am actually on time with my wrap up post. There must be something wrong with me. :-Z XD

August’s Music

The Gravel Road by James Newton Howard
I love this movie, and the music is absolutely stunning with its violin parts.

A Hero Rides with Us by Epic Score 
Amazing. Epic. Soul-stirring. 

The Healing by James Newton Howard
 Gorgeous. This song is so beautiful. <333  

August’s Movies

(back to including pictures with the movie titles :-D)

Signs <333 

Jurassic Park 3 



August’s Books

Tales of Redwall: Salamandastron & Tales of Redwall: The Rogue Crew by Brian Jacques

Circle C Milestones: The Last Ride & Circle C Milestones: Thick as Thieves by Susan K Marlow

The Lost and Found Journal of a Miner 49er by Jack Dublin

The Vienna Prelude by Bodie and Brock Thoene

Run Baby, Run by Nicky Cruz

Eyes on Jungle Doctor, Jungle Doctor Meets a Lion, Jungle Doctor Spots a Leopard & Jungle Doctor on the Hop by Paul White

August’s Events

Moving: We finally moved!!! We’re settling into our new house now, and even though we don’t have any curtains yet and the girl’s room door is painted a bright yellow and blue (why???); it is starting to feel like home.

Green Belt in Kung Fu: My brother and I earned our green belt! We are now halfway to a black belt. :-D My goal is to be able to do the full splits before I reach my purple belt, so we’ll see how that goes.

Family Camp: Every year our church has its annual family camp up in the mountains. We had worship around the campfire, ice cream, archery tag (which is SO MUCH FUN), long walks, and freezing by the lake (I was so cold it wasn’t even funny). I always enjoy it. :-)

August’s Writing

Eh…I finished my writing curriculum. That’s mostly it. My new goal is to finish my pirate novel before Christmas; so there will definitely be more words written in the next couple of months. :-D

Before I go: I have a few minor announcements: ONE, I promise I will get to the ask me anything post!!! I am planning on doing a vlog for it so it will be a little longer while I work on that BUT I PROMISE IT WILL COME. XD And TWO! I will be gone from the blogosphere for two\three weeks as my family and I are having some quiet relaxing family vacation time, which includes house work and camping. When I get back to blogging there should be a surplus of posts since ideas have been piling up for a while; so be prepared. XD

So, that’s my month. :-D How was yours? Did you get any writing done? Been listening to any good music? Is anyone else excited for a new school year?



  1. Ooooh, yes! Signs, The Village, and Lady in the Water's music tracks are so amazing. :D

    Congrats on moving and earning a green belt!

  2. Congratulations on a successful move! And have a great hiatus!

  3. Sounds like you had a fun month!

  4. I love Vienna Prelude! How did you like it?

    1. I haven't quite finished it yet, but so far I really like it! I'm super impressed with the writing style and characters. And I love anything WW2 era. <3

  5. It seems you had a great August! Is the 'Jurrasic Park' a good film? I'd like to watch it ;) That's awesome you've finally moved! I'm sure you love your new home :) I hope September will be wonderful for you! // My August was okay and I'm really sad it's over! I'm starting my school tomorrow and it doesn't make me happy... This school year is going to be really stressful for me because of the exams I'll take in April. Anyways, I have to stay positive, haha :D

    1. I did! All of the Jurassic Parks are really good; I love them. I would just be a little careful, as there is some language and excessive violence. Other than those things, it's a definite must watch!!! I do love my new home. :-) I hope September is good for you too! Aw, I get that. Don't worry; I'm sure you'll do great on your exams. :-)

  6. It sounds like you've had a great month, even though you were busy with moving. :) YOUR GOING TO DO A VLOG?! AWESOME!!! I'm so excited!! By the way, I wish I could have seen you at church on Sunday since we've been absent the entire month of August, but I have a horrible sun-burn from a 6-hour trail ride I took with a neighbor girl/friend, and my eyes were sunburned also (they resemble Darth Sidious' eyes... somewhat XP) so I'm not allowed out of the house when the sun is out for a few days.

    Can't wait to see you again sometime soon! Have fun camping!!

    1. I did! I'm just glad we're done moving it. XD YES I AM!!! Hoping to film it today. :-D Yeah, that's what your mom said. :-( I missed you that Sunday! Hope you're going to be at church this Sunday. :-)


  8. Glad August went well for you! Sounds like you've settled in nicely :). Have fun camping!!!


    1. Thank you Catherine! I think we are pretty settled. Thanks! We had a blast. :-D Hope your September goes well!


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