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Wrap Up May\Hello, June!

Greetings, all!

I can’t believe it’s almost Summer!!! (At least for us up here in the North it is. XD) Spring just seemed to flit by, and overnight the weather has gotten warm and Summer thunderstorms have began to come in full force. I do love a good thunderstorm. <3

May’s Music:

My Immortal by Evanescence 
I just started listening to Evanescence’s music. My Immortal is definitely my favourite of their songs.

We Will Not Go Quietly by Epic Score
Epic Score’s music is super inspiring. The title of this one grabbed my attention and now I can’t stop listening to it.

O The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus cover by Selah 
I don’t normally go for Contemporary Christian music, but Selah’s cover of this gorgeous hymn is amazing. I would call it epic.

Star Sky by Two Steps from Hell 
This song blew me away the first time I listened to it.

May’s Movies:

Peter Rabbit

 Thor 1


 Avengers: Infinity War :’-(


The Greatest Showman <3333

Black Panther

May’s Books:

(a very sad and short list :-()

Sinner by Ted Dekker

Ember Falls by S.D. Smith

Ember Rising by S.D. Smith

The Last Archer by S.D. Smith

Jungle Doctor’s Crooked Dealings by Paul White

May’s Events:

Seeing Avengers: Infinity War in the Theater: THIS MOVIE WAS AMAZING. ‘Nuff said. XD I am so glad I saw it in the theater. (Even though in order to go I had to pay for my mom’s ticket too…)

Unexpected Party for Kendra Lynne: Kendra Lynne's mom threw her an Unexpected Party and my brother and I were asked to come in as Balin and Dwalin. Since I was Dwalin, I came in first, and the expression on Kendra’s face when she opened the door was priceless. XD It was so much fun to surprise her and I think it totally made her birthday. (Also, raiding someone’s pantry is a lot of fun.) Here is a picture of the Dwarvish “tattoos” that my mom sharpied on my hands. 
Track Meet: I AM NOW DONE WITH TRACK. HALLELUJAH. I didn’t do too bad in my race for having allergies while I was running; I came in third out of ten (which is good considering that almost everyone who was running had been doing Track longer than I). Now I have a white ribbon to add to my very small collection of ribbons. XD

Earning Camo Belt in Kung Fu: My brother and I completed our belt test for the Camo belt!!! Pretty soon we will be a Green belt, which is half-way to a Black belt. I’m excited!!!

FINISHING MATH: YES. I AM DONE WITH MATH FOREVER. I actually don’t mind Math, but I am glad for the time being that I am done with book work for it. :-D

May Writing:

I finished my WIP Mission: Metal! It’s roughly about 13,860 words so I think it would count as a novella. Now I am going to rewrite it and expand it a bit.

Welp, that was my month. How was yours? Finishing up school soon? Did you read any good books? Who else has seen Infinity War? (No spoilers in the comments please; I know there are people here who haven’t seen it yet. XD)

I hope you all have an amazing June!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. WOOT!! Great job with all of those achievements for last month!!! *throws confetti*
    I love those 'tattoos' o-o So cool

    Star Sky is ah-may-zing. <3

    1. Thank you!!! <333
      Haha, thanks! It was so much fun to have those drawn on my hands (of course I don't want real tattoos, but fake ones are a lot of fun XD).
      I know, right??? <3

  2. Ahhh, been hearing A LOT about Infinity War but still haven't seen it. I did see Thor Ragnarok and Spider-Man Home-Coming this past weekend!

    Oh my goodness, an Uenexpected Party sounds like so much fun! Sounds like you've had a great month!


    1. IT WAS SO GOOD!!! Ooh, cool!!! I really liked Spider-Man Homecoming, but I haven't seen Thor: Ragnarok yet. I hope to soon. :-D
      Yes, it was!!! I did! Hope you did too. <3

  3. Congrats on finishing school! I finished mine today, and man, it's a great feeling.

    1. Thanks!!! Yes, it is. I haven't quite finished my writing or Science but almost everything else. It's so freeing. Ooh, cool! Congrats to you too!!!

  4. I would LOVE to throw someone an Unexpected Birthday Party!! Life goals, right there. *nods*

    Congrats on the track placing!! I haven't been running because of all this rain...but the yearly mud run is this weekend, and I'm contemplating dragging my sorry carcass over to do it even though I'm horribly out of shape...cause who doesn't like to run around in the mud??

    1. You should totally do it sometime!!! Yes, that is a wonderful life goal. *nods*
      Thanks!!! You totally should! Running in the mud is fun. :-D

  5. I'm so glad May went well for you!

    I use to be obsessed with Evanescence, and Black Panther and Infinity Wars are SO GOOD.

    That's so cool about Kendra Lynne's party, epicness!! :DD

    Anyways, here's to a wonderful June!

    1. Yes, it did! I hope it did for you too. <3
      I don't care that much for most of Evanescence's other music, but I do like My Immortal, Haunted, and Lithium. YES I AGREE!!! <333
      I know, right?! So much epicness right there in that one party.
      Yes, *raises glass*; here's to a wonderful June. :-D

  6. I love the expression I had, too. It certainly did make my birthday! My 15th birthday will go down in my history as being my favourite birthday of all time. It was the greatest. XD
    Note: your post holds one typo that I noticed and you might want to correct... instead of pantry you accidentally typed panty... I thought you might like to know. ;)

    Did you like Black Panther? I've heard a lot of great things about it, and that Martin Freeman and Andy Serkis were nicknamed the 'Tolkien White Guys' by the other cast members. XD XD

    1. Yay! I'm glad it did. <3 It was a lot of fun.
      (Thanks, I fixed that typo!!!)

      I did like it; early this year I got my dad to take me to the theater and watch it so this was my second time seeing it. It's REALLY good; has a good theme and has super sweet family relationships. Yes, I read that too! That's awesome. XD

  7. I didn't know you did track Mem! Fuuuun!

    Yes I heard about Kendra's party. Love all your costumes!

    1. I do! It's not my favourite, but I do it anyway. XD

      Thanks!!! It was an awesome party. :-D
      Hope you have a wonderful June!


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