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The Cake Book Tag\Small Announcement

Greetings, all!

I got tagged for the Cake Book Tag by the lovely Lady Awdur! Thanks so much!

Chocolate Cake: a dark book you absolutely love-Well, I don’t know what qualifies as a “dark” book, but I suppose I could say Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas or Saint by Ted Dekker.

Vanilla cake: a light read-The Phoenix and the Carpet by E. Nesbitt. That was a cute book.

Red Velvet: a book that gave you mixed emotions-The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. It’s an amazing book with an outwardly light storyline, but as you continue to read it it gets deep and more intense. I was thoughtful and maybe even a little sad after reading it, but at times it made me laugh. I highly recommend it!

Cheesecake: a book you would recommend to anyone-The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. <3

Coffee cake: a book you started but did not finish-The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart. I didn’t dislike it, but it was a long book and I had to give it back to the library. :-(

Carrot cake: a book with great writing-The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien. Need I say more? ;-D

Cup-cake: a series with 4+ books-The Tales of Goldstone Wood by Anne Elizabeth Stengl. There are 7 novels, 2 novellas, and one short story. This series is amazing. Read it.

Fruit cake: a book that wasn't what you anticipated-Redwall by Brian Jacques. When I first read it, I thought it was going to be some cheesy little kid’s animal story. Never have I been more wrong. XD

New Recipe: a current read you didn't know much about-Ranger’s Apprentice by John Flanagan. I’d heard about it before but had never read it. I’m on book 2 now, and it’s been pretty good. I’m enjoying it. :-D

And now, I shall tag all of you book lovers!!! XD Hope you enjoyed reading my answers! What are some of your favorite light-hearted reads? Has anyone else read the Screwtape Letters or Ranger’s Apprentice? And do you think The Count of Monte Cristo counts as a dark read?

Before I go, I have a little announcement: I am taking a break from computer activities for a couple of weeks, about 2 or 3 during Spring Break. Just F.Y.I. ;-D I will respond to comments, emails, and blog posts as soon as my break is over!

So, until then:

Namarie, Friends!


  1. I don't think I'v'e ever commented so-Hi! I'm Fawnabelle *curtsies*

    I've really been wanting to read The Screwtape Letters but one of my friends borrowed it and I still don't have it back... Haha, I chose The Hobbit for cheesecake too :D

    1. Hello, Fawnabelle! Nice to meet you. So glad you're here!
      Yes, I've had that problem too. XD That's awesome! I love the Hobbit. <3

  2. I've read both Ranger's Apprentice and The Screwtape Letters. Both rather good books/series. (Just warning you, book three is the worst of the R.A. books)

    This tag is so odd and quirky, how it compares books to cakes. Like..what?? Who even thought that up? xD

    1. I really like both of them. (Oh, dear. I will keep that in mind.)
      Haha, yes! I know! XD Maybe they were just really bored.

  3. Wow, we had some similar ones, MEM!

    I've gotten the first Rangers Apprentice book from the library recently - I'm so looking forward to reading it :)


    1. That's awesome! I am really enjoying Ranger's Apprentice. :-)

  4. This was a fun tag!! I have started The Screwtape Letters in the past, but never finished it. :(

  5. The Screwtape Letters is one of the best books I have ever read! Saint was really good to, but I would agree with you, it is kind of a dark book.


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