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Wrapping Up 2017: Welcoming 2018

Greetings, all!

Well, everyone else is doing posts about wrapping up 2017, so I guess I’m doing one as well. ;-D

I personally also had a good year, overall. I deepened my relationships with my family and friends, rediscovered my love of writing, and discovered blogging. I joined OYAN, became a Nano-er, read tons of new books, watched awesome movies, listened to great music, and became more physically fit. Not everything was perfect this year; I’ve had to work through some responsibilities and relationship problems and they were definitely not easy; I also became pretty sick around October. However; God is faithful and has helped get me through those times. I’m incredibly grateful to Him for His unfailing love.

I thought I’d share some events that happened this year with you all, as well as some of my favorite movies, books, and musicians from 2017.

Events that Happened in 2017:

(March) Track- I started track in Spring of 2017. It’s definitely not my favorite sport; but I did do very well in long jump and sprinting.

(April) 15th Birthday-I turned 15 on April 25th, 2017. I feel like I’m getting old. :-Z ;-D Just kidding.

(June) Bible Bee-Every year we participate in the National Bible Bee. I was a senior this year for the first time, and we studied Genesis 1-3, the theme this year being “Created”. I always learn so much about God during this time of study.

(July) Camp Nano-I did Camp Nanowrimo for the first time! Being in Jane’s cabin Fellowship of the Keyboards was so much fun, and I even succeeded with my word goal! I also met a ton of new friends through Nano. XD *hugs you all*

(July) Starting Music, Mystery, Middle Earth and Mitochondria- I started this blog! I hope you have been having as much fun reading my posts as I’ve had writing them. I’ve also met several wonderful friends through this blog. *more hugs*

(August) Piano Guys Concert- I went to the Piano Guys concert!!! It was absolutely amazing, especially because it was my very first concert. Thanks for bringing me, Dad! <3

(September) Family Camp- I went to our Church’s family camp and had a blast with my friends and family. Nothing beats fresh mountain air, freezing lake water, campfires and staying up late. ;-D

(October) Kung Fu- My brother and I started Kung Fu. We are now yellow belts and have had so much fun learning how to defend ourselves, use weapons, and meeting new friends.

(December) Christmas- My family went up to a cabin in the mountains with my grandparents and cousins for Christmas. We skied, watched Princess Bride (inconceivable!), and opened presents. It was a lot of fun.

Movies I Watched for the First Time:

Jurassic Park movies 1-3

Jurassic World


The Giver

Star Trek (2009)

Star Trek: Out of Darkness

Ironman 1

The Avengers: Age of Ultron


Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Books and Series I read for the First Time:

Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas

Casebook of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle

A Prisoner and Yet by Corrie Ten Boom

The Reckoners series by Brandon Sanderson-3 books

The Baker Street Mysteries by Jake and Luke Thoene-4 books

Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens

Artemis Fowl series by Eoin Colfer-8 books

Viking Quest series by Lois Walfrid Johnson-only read 4 books

Tales of Goldstone Wood books by Anne Elizabeth Stengl-only read 5 books

Showdown by Ted Dekker

Hardy Boys books by Franklin W. Dixon-only read 5 books

Music I Listened to:

Acapella Pop i.e. Peter Hollens, Pentatonix   

Epic Instrumental Music i.e. TSfH, Audiomachine

Instrumental Pop and Hip-Hop i.e. Lindsey Stirling, Simply Three, Piano Guys

Movie Scores i.e. PotC Soundtracks, LotR Soundtracks, Star Wars Soundtracks

Video Game Scores i.e. Assassin’s Creed Soundtracks, Legend of Zelda Soundtracks

New Age Piano Music i.e. Helen Jane Long, Michele McLaughlin

(I don’t know what genre these musicians fit into) i.e. Rich Mullins, Caedmon’s Call

I am super excited for 2018 and all the wonderful things God has in store for my family and I. I’m looking forward to turning 16, watching the new Han Solo movie, and possibly going to California for a vacation. XD XD XD

So, tell me; how was your 2017? Did you do anything particularly fun or memorable? Watch any good movies or read any good books? Is there anything you’re looking forward to in 2018? Talk to me!

Have a Blessed New Year!



  1. Hey, your birthday is only nine days after mine! AWESOME! XD

    Sounds like you had a great year! Princess bride is the best. <3

      I did have a great year. :-D IT IS THE BEST!!! XD XD XD I hope you had a great year as well! <3

  2. MEM!!!! *tackle hugs*

    It was soooo fun to read your wrap up post!!

    What kind of writing are you planning this year? Any ideas??


    1. HI CATHERINE!!! *tackle hugs back* Thank you so much! XD
      Yes! I have several ideas. A pirate adventure story called "Of Seas, Silver, and Shipmates"; the sequel for Mission: Metal; and a sci-fi novel that I will unveil sometime in the fall I think...;-D What about you?

  3. I turned fifteen too! *high fives*
    Happy 2018!!!

    1. That is awesome!!! *high-fives back* XD
      Happy 2018 to you as well! <3

  4. I'm glad you had a great year. You watched and read some great stuff. Have a great 2018!

    1. Thank you so much, Rachel! <3 I definitely did. Have a great 2018 to you as well! XD

  5. Sounds like you had an awesome year, MEM!:)

    1. I did!!! I hope you have a great 2018, Quinley! XD

  6. It sounds like your year was splendid.
    I love Princess Bride!

  7. All the movies <3
    And books <3
    And music <3
    This post makes me happy. xD

  8. I'm so glad you had a good year, Mem. I'm excited to go through this next year with you as your friend. :)

    1. This never came through until now!!! :-Z I'm excited to go through it as your friend too. <3

  9. I tagged you!

  10. I liked the Count of Monte Cristo


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