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Wrap Up November\Hello, December!

Greetings, all!

(Well, I'm alive! Can't say for sure how alive I am, but I'm here, AND just realizing that I haven't written a post since my last...wrap November 7th....oookkkaaayyy, that's awkward.
Moving on.)

I'm actually on schedule with my wrap up post!!! Yay!!! I've been sick for about a week, so I wasn't sure I was going to be able to even write a post today, but thankfully I woke up feeling much better. Okay, I'm going to stop rambling now and start the post. XD

November's Songs:

Inception: Dream is Collapsing by Hans Zimmer 
I love this movie! This is one of the best songs in the soundtrack; so epic and intense sounding. 

Celtic Carol by Lindsey Stirling 
Yep, already getting into Christmas music. ;-D I love the mashups Lindsey does in this song.

November's Movies 

Lord of the Rings
The. Entire. Saga. XD
(Can we watch it again please?)

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

Star Wars: Attack of the Clones
 (We're watching the whole Star Wars saga in preparation for EPISODE EIGHT!!! XD)

November's Books: 

Moonblood by Anne Elizabeth Stengl (LOVED this book)
Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident and Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code by Eoin Colfer
Over Sea, Under Stone by Susan Cooper (really freaky to read at night)
Mission League: The New Recruit by Jill Williamson

November's Events

Kung Fu Show
My brother and I participated in a Kung Fu show with our Dojo at the beginning of November. It was so much fun showing off our forms, kicks, weapons, rolling, meeting new friends, and eating candy back stage. You always need candy in a Martial Art show. *nods*
Here is a video of us preforming our Bo staff form.

Annual Play
Our homeschool group does a Christian History play every year the week before Thanksgiving. This year, our play was on Martin Luther and I played his wife, Katharina von Bora. XD

We had a quiet, peaceful Thanksgiving with my cousins. Ate traditional foods, pumpkin pie, and watched an old musical afterwards. :-)

Gif of the Month of November

See the source image
I died. XD XD XD

This one was a close second.

And now, my dear friends; I have talked far too long about myself. Now I want to hear about you! How was your month? Did you have a good Thanksgiving? Watch any good movies? Is anyone else gearing up for Star Wars Episode Eight? XD


  1. Well, November for me was mostly R&R. Not much writing, mostly vacation.

    I got a DVD copy of Ever After, which is one of my favorite movies ever. I got to watch that this month and it was awesome!

    AHHH. EPISODE 8!!!!

    So can't believe that is coming out already. It seemed so long ago when Rogue One came out last year!!!! (still have to buy that....)


    1. Vacations are wonderful! :-D
      That's cool! I would love to see that movie sometime. XD
      YES!!! It does! XD (My dad bought it the day it came out in digital. XD)

  2. Moonblood is the best book on earth. And I need to rewatch LotR- I just don’t think I’m ready to torture myself with the slow agony that is RotK.... :(

    1. It was an awesome book!!! Yeah, it's a little agonizing. My brother and I always sit on the edges of our seats. XD

  3. Ahhhh I LOVE those songs.
    And those movies.
    And those books.
    *much fangirling*

    Had you watched those Star Wars movies before or was this your first time?

    1. *fangirls with you* Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
      Haha, no; it's about the fifth time I've seen them. :-D My family LOVES Star Wars. XD

  4. Glad to see that you are feeling better!:) And I enjoyed reading your post,
    I love Lindsey Stirling's songs (all of them actually), and her holiday ones are amazing too.
    You watched the entire trilogy of LOTR? Awesome! (and I have the same reaction of wanting to watch it again, after watching it).
    I hope you have a good December,

    1. Yes, I am! Thanks! XD
      Yes; I have never actually listened to her holiday ones until this year; I love them!!! <3 Yes, we did!!! I forgot which number of times that makes it...maybe my fifth time seeing it??? And I have the same reaction every time. XD Thanks! I hope you do too! XD

  5. YOU'RE BACK!!! *dances in circles happily*
    Firstly, those gifs are AWESOME, LOL, I loved them! Sherlock's face... XD XD
    How'd you do in the play?
    (sorry for all the caps) :D

    1. YES, I AM!!! *dances with you*
      Yes! I love his face...and the octopus...XD
      I did well! I got to announce to the whole audience that I was going to marry Martin was fun...XD
      YES!!! I as well!!! :-D
      (That's fine!)

  6. I'm so excited for the new Star Wars movie, it's going to be awesome!


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