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Wrap Up September\Hello, October!

Greetings, all!

Now, I know what you're all thinking. Mem, it's already October 5th! You should have had this post out a week ago! 
I know, I know! I've been too busy with school and other activities to write a post, so now that I'm sick I actually have time to blog. *realization of what I just said hits me* Darn. I have to wait till I'm sick to post?!?!
Ahem, anyway...on with the post!

September's Songs:
See What I've Become by Zach Hemsey.
This song is one of my favorites right now! It's so epic. When I listen to it, it reminds me of the X-Men or Superheroes. 

Like a Dog Chasing Cars by Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard from The Dark Knight.
A song that makes me want to wear a black cloak and mask. Awesomeness! 

Tessa by Steve Jablonsky from Transformers: Age of Extinction.  
It's s-so beautiful!!! I think I'm going to cry. 

September's Movies:
(Disclaimer: I watched both of these movies on VidAngel [a filter system for movies], so I am not recommending them as I know there were inappropriate things in them. Just F.Y.I. ;-))

Avengers: Age of Ultron

Star Trek (2009 version) 


September Books: 
The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer
I wrote a book review for Artemis Fowl on my blog Ink and Page Reviews. If you want to check it out, click here to read it. XD

September Events: 
Church Family Camp:  I had so much fun! We hadn't been on a trip for over two years. Swimming, playing music around the campfire, biking, eating tons of ice cream, it was awesome!

Starting School: I'm in 10th grade this year. A sophomore! *faints from shock* Anyway, I am doing my last year of Greek and also started One Year Adventure Novel. That has been amazing so far. :-D

LoTR Day:  I celebrated LoTR day with a photo shoot, several blog posts, and an apple pie. If you haven't read my LotR Day posts, click herehere, and here to read them. ;-D

New Pet: Meet Smaug the Greatest and Chiefest of Calamities.

Isn't he adorable?!?!?!?!?! 

Gif of the Month of September: 

How I felt most of the month. XD

Anyway, I think that's it!
Tell was your month? Did you watch any good movies or read any great books? Do you have a pet lizard? (I'm curious! XD)

P.S. How do you like my new blog design by Kendra Lynne? ;-D


  1. Well, I had a great month; I read some good books and did not watch very many movies (right now I am finishing up the LotR trilogy; extended edition!). I'm glad you had a good month! That's nice of you to mention that I made your blog design. Thank you. :)

  2. Awww, poor MEM! Hope you get better soon!

    I really like this style of wrap-up post by the way 🤗


    1. Thanks!!! I hope so too. :-( ;-)
      Thank you! I have never done a wrap up post before. :-D

  3. September was a fun month!:) And I think October will be exciting.

    1. I hope October is too!:) Also Star Trek is a awesome movie series!:) (of course besides, The Hobbit, and LOTR)

    2. Yes, it is!!! I haven't seen very many Star Treks yet, but I really like what I've seen so far! XD (Yes, nothing can really beat LoTR and the Hobbit. ;-D)

    3. If you are interested in the TV series, then I recommend Star Trek the next generation, and Star Trek: Voyager!:)

    4. I've watched one episode of The Next Generation. :-) I would really like to watch Voyager. It looks cool! Thanks! XD

    5. You're Welcome!:) I hope you enjoy watching Voyager as much as I did.
      Live long and prosper,

    6. Thanks! XD
      Live Long and Prosper! :-D

  4. Aww, Smaug is adorable! I'd love a pet lizard, but my cat would probably spend all the time trying to catch it, so maybe not a good idea... XD
    And you like the Lego Movie? That's basically my favourite film XD
    Sounds like you had a great month! :)

    1. Isn't he!?!? Yeah probably not...we have cats but they're outdoor ones so they can't eat him. ;-)
      YES!!! It was a great film. (Everything is awesome!!! XD)
      Yep, I did. Hope you did too! :-)

    2. Hey, I tagged you with the Rising Authors tag! :)

    3. Cool! I'll get to it as soon as I can! XD

  5. I can relate to the business with school :P. I'm also in tenth grade! How are you liking being a SOPHOMORE NOW O_O That moment when you realize that you're moving out in two years. Highschool does really fly by...


    1. IKR??? It's awesome, but a tiny bit intimidating. :-O It totally does. ;-D


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