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Hamlette's Tolkien Tag 2017

Greetings, all!

Today is LoTR day!!! *cue much jumping, screaming, and flailing* To celebrate, I joined Hamlette’s Hobbit party (click link here if you want to find out more) and I am going to answer the questions in her LoTR tag. Enjoy!

1.       How long have you been a Tolkien fan?

Ever since I picked up The Hobbit at age seven and read that classic line, “In a hole in the ground there lived a Hobbit.”

2. Has your love of Middle-earth affected your life?

Most definitely. I have learned some things about life-as well as writing tips and character development-by reading LoTR and The Hobbit. Every time I pick up a Middle Earth novel or companion book, I find more gems of wisdom just waiting to be discovered. (Not to mention I joined a fandom. That always affects my life. ;-D)

3. If you had to take the One Ring to Mordor, which character would you choose for your sole companion?

Oooh, that’s a hard one. Sam was an amazing companion for Frodo, but I think I would probably have…Aragorn? Or Gandalf.

Although…Legolas would be an excellent companion as well… ;-D

4. Which is scarier, Shelob or the Balrog?

The Balrog. Guys, he’s an incredibly powerful demon!!! Shelob is only a giant spider. ;-D

5. Which two towers do you think Tolkien was referring to in the title The Two Towers?  (i.e. Orthanc, Cirith Ungol, Minas Morgul, or Minas Tirith)

That’s a good question. I personally think it was Barad-dĂ»r and Orthanc, although excellent arguments have been made in favor Minas Morgul and Minas Tirith.

6. Whose wardrobe would you like to have?

Tauriel’s. Without a doubt.

Guys, it’s so perfect. Feminine, pretty; but you can totally fight in it. :-D

7. What do you think an Ent Draught would taste like?

Hmm…I don’t really know what to compare it to…but I think it would taste both strong and sweet at the same time. Maybe also spicy (not like pepper spicy but spice spicy).

8. Where in Middle-earth would you like to live?

Either the Lonely Mountain or Mirkwood. Rivendell would be amazing too.

9. Do you have any Tolkien-related opinions that surprise other people?

I like the movies of the Hobbit way better than the book and I think P.J. did an amazing job at connecting The LoTR with The Hobbit. If I have any others…I forgot them. :-Z

10. List up to ten of your favorite lines/quotations from the books or movies.

*cracks knuckles* Okay, here goes! 

Soooo…let’s chat! Do you like LoTR and The Hobbit? Have you watched the Hobbit movies and did you like them? Are you doing anything for LoTR day? XD

(Btw, be sure to check back later as Kendra Lynne and I are interviewing each other in an epic LoTR day post!!!)



  1. Awesome post, Middle Earth Musician!:) And I would definitely wear Tauriel's uniform, too!

  2. Haha, I was wondering what happened to your answers when the first link didn't work. And I'm not disappointed :) Awesome answers, MEN!


    1. THANK YOU!!! XD Yeah...technical difficulties. I think I got it working again though. :-D

  3. Some one else agrees to take Legolas!!! The three of us could go!

    Tauriel, I really like her costume, but I don't remember her.

    Oh, I forgot about Lonely Mountain, it would be kind of fun to live there.

    Eh, I still like the books better. It might be because I saw the third movies first (The Return of the King, Battle of the Five Armies) so everything was super confusing, where with the books I knew what was happening all along.

    Where is that last quote from, I can't figure it out.

    Nice answers!

    1. Nice!!! Sounds great! XD
      She's the Elf warrioress in the Hobbit movies? She likes Kili the Dwarf. :-)
      Yep! :-D
      Oh, yeah; that makes sense. *nods* ;-)
      The last quote is from the book of the Fellowship of the Ring when Gandalf is facing off the Balrog. :-D
      Thanks!!! XD

  4. I feel like such a horrible Tolkien fan for not posting on this... But life is busy, and I already have posts planned out! :P

    Anyways, I LOVE reading these posts-so much fun! *flails* XD

    1. Aw, yeah; life is pretty busy for us as well. :-)
      Thank you!!! XD *flails with you*

  5. I'm married to an INTJ, and I'm cracking up over your answers, because some of them are so much what Cowboy would say. Especially saying Shelob is not as scary as the Balrog. He rather thought that was a ridiculous question, because *obviously* an ancient demon would be scariest? Hee.

    Tauriel's costume is wonderful. I may or may not have bought a shirt to wear to church at Christmas because it reminded me of her clothes...

    High five for another fan of the Hobbit movies!

    Thanks for joining the party :-)

    1. Really??? XD That's awesome! :-D I think so too. :-)
      THAT'S SUPER COOL!!! Sounds like something I would do...;-)
      High five to you too!!! Thanks for hosting it!!! XD

  6. Ahhh, I forgot the "all that is gold does not glitter" poem!


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