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Camp Nanowrimo

Greetings, all!

I FINISHED AND WON CAMP NANO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s official. I am so excited! XD

Camp Nano was SO MUCH FUN. I’ve never actually been this resolute about my writing before. Earlier, it had been just something that I sat down to do every once in a while, when I felt like it. Now, I edit. I rewrite. I critique. I post my work on blogs. I even have a Pinterest board for my characters!

At Camp, I found out what WIP meant. What MC meant. I discovered deadlines, word counts, word warring (I lost, but it was still fun, Jess;), and writer’s block.

Some highlights of Camp:

~I got invited into Jane’s cabin, The Fellowship of the Keyboards.

~Sarah\Slisby and Jess broke the cabin. XD That was funny.

~Jane forbade us from RPing in the camp grounds.

~I ate Jane’s pizza and got turned into an orc (No, seriously. What did you put in that pizza, Jane?).

~Tes\Quinley and I walked the forests of Mirkwood.

~Ralraymee and I captured Captain America. How’d we do that again, Ral?

~I got nicknamed MEM. Guess you guys were too tired of typing my full username out? XD

~I had conversations with the other cabin mates about killing off characters, about finishing word counts, about music, books, LOTR, Russian, and many other things.

Some highlights about my own WIP:

~I started my first blog story.

~I learned what it meant to have Christ as the center of your story. (Sorry, that sounds weird; but it’s the only way I could put it. :-Z)

~I wrote 8,290 words. Well, actually; long story short; in July, I actually only wrote 8,002 words, but I was at my grandma’s house when I finished Camp. And I didn’t know you had to verify by giving Camp Nano your story. Soooo, I found out I had left some of my story at home. Great. Anyway, I added the first part of my story that I had with me that I wrote in June. That was over 288 words long. So, anyway... I only wrote 8,002. Just F.Y.I. XD

(Did that make any sense?)

I loved meeting all my fellow cabin mates! Jane, Sarah\Slisby, Jess, Clare, Tes\Quinley, Jasryn, Ralraymee, Psylova, The Writer That Tames Dragons, Girl With A Dagger, Radicalstars, holdingontight\Anna, Catherine, and Zap Monogan. You guys were so awesome and encouraging! XD XD XD

(I didn’t miss anyone, right?)

Jane was an awesome cabin leader. We even got to call her Most Honorable Cabin Leader. LOL! XD

I am so excited about doing it in the future!!!

How’d your Camp Nano go?

Please tell me about it!!!



P.S. If you plan on doing a post about Camp, let me know in the comment section below. I’d love to read your thoughts! XD


  1. So exciting!! Congratulations!!

  2. Hi Middle Earth Musician!:)
    Awesome post!:) And My camp NaNo was awesome and I will probably make a post about it.

    -Quinley (Tes)

  3. Yay! Congrats on winning! :D Glad to hear you had heaps of fun in the cabin ^u^

  4. *Cracks an evil Grin* We did it using a stun gun. It was so simple, why don't the bad guys use it? XD I also hit Black Widow in the head with the butt of my Stun-gun and got her too... The Hulk is about to attack, as well :D

    Glad you had fun! :D

    1. *grins evilly with you* Oh, yes; now I remember. *hides stun gun in pocket for later emergencies*
      I did! XD

  5. *screeches* THIS WAS HILARIOUS. XD I loved your list of highlights. XP (and it was your fault for eating my pizza without permission. XD)

    And yes. We all got sick of typing out your username every time. XD
    I'M SO HAPPY THAT YOU COULD JOIN US. *throws confetti everywhere*

    1. YAY! I'm glad you liked it. XD Yeah, it probably was my fault.
      Yes, I thought you did. ;-)
      SO AM I!!! XD XD XD


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