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Wrapping Up November, Welcoming December + Mini Announcement

Greetings, all!

Well, I had a great November-even though it was absolutely crazy and I got very little writing done, drat-but boy am I ready for December. Christmas is probably number one on my favorite times of the year, and this Christmas also happens to be the last one I’ll have as a child.

Okay. Wow.

That just hit me.

I’m old. O.O 

Anyway. XD

Here is a quick wrap up for this month, and a little announcement afterwards. Enjoy! XP

November Music

Happier cover by The Piano Guys 
I LOVE this new cover by TPG!!! It’s definitely one of their best songs, I think. <333

Can You Hold Me by NF and Britt Nicole
I’ve been listening to a ton of NF over the past few months, and when I heard this one for the first time a few weeks ago it hit me really hard. Britt Nicole’s voice is beautiful in this song too.


Maybe They’re on to Us by NEEDTOBREATHE 
Many thanks to IdahoReader for recommending this song to me!!! It has such a cool sound and I can’t stop listening to it. Ahhhhh!!!

(the link goes to the song on YouTube)

My newest favorite epic score song. Mark Petrie is a great composer, and I love the slow crescendo of this piece.

VOICES by Switchfoot and Lindsey Stirling 
I don’t normally listen to Switchfoot, but when I saw that they had teamed up with Lindsey Stirling I HAD to listen to the song. It’s soo good, and the music video is really inspiring too!!!

Here I Am by Tommee Profitt and Brooke  
Tommee Profitt is one of my latest favorite music artist finds. He does a lot of behind the scenes stuff for NF and other big music artists, but his original stuff is SUPER epic. This is one of my favorite of his songs.

November Movies

National Treasure 2

Toy Story 3

Mom’s Night Out

Sherlock Series One <333

Aladdin (2019)

Toy Story 4 <\3


Night at the Museum


Star Wars Episode One: The Phantom Menace

November Books

The Boy Who Steals Houses by C.G. Drews

The Long Way Home by Andrew Klavan

The Rule of Thoughts by James Dashner

The Truth of the Matter by Andrew Klavan

Men of Grit: The Mountain Fortress-Escape to the Outback by John J. Horn

November Events

Trip to CO: My dad, brother, and I got invited by some friends of ours to a Shepherd’s conference in CO. I got to work in the kitchen with some sweet and amazing girls, and had a blast making enough food for an army, doing the dishes (man there was a lot of those), having sweet Bible times every day, watching movies, and staying up way past my usual bedtime. XP 

Getting Part of my Braces Off: Yes! I got the top part of my braces off after torture for two years. The bottoms have to stay on for a few more months, but we’re seeing light at the end of the tunnel!!! :-D 

Annual Christian History Play: Every year we participate in a Christian History Play, and this year our theme was Women of the Reformation. We had a blast, as usual; and the play went splendidly. XD

^^^ me teaching a class in one of the scenes

Thanksgiving: Thanksgiving was lowkey and great at my place-we went to my aunt and uncle’s house and ate, played an absolutely hilarious game with the whole family, and then performed some live music for everyone. It was fun. ^-^

Aanndd that’s it! Now for the mini announcement. XP

I’m going to start the Music, Movies, and Books\Stories of Christmas post series that I did last year again for this year, and it’s going to start up next weekend. So keep an eye out for that! If anyone would like to do it with me, we’re starting out with Music of Christmas, and all you have to do is share some of your favorite Christmas tunes in a post and link back to my blog. There’re not any rules or anything, it’s just a little blog post party for fun. :-D Let me know if you’re planning to do it in the comments!  

Now it’s your turn to talk! How did your November go? How many people won NaNoWriMo? Did you find any good music during this month? And who else is super excited about CHRISTMAS???
:-D :-D :-D



  1. Yessss you read The Boy Who Steals Houses!! 😍

    So keen for some Christmas vibes around here! I'm in an oddly festive mood this year. xD

    1. I DID!!! IT WAS SO GOOD. <333

      Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep! Me too! X'D

  2. I am particularly excited about Christmas this year. :D

    YOU'VE SEEN WAR HORSE! YAY! Did you like it? As you know, I love it, even though it does break my heart. </3

    WE WATCHED NATIONAL TREASURE 2 JUST TWO DAYS AGO. o.o I love the National Treasure movies. They are definitely in my top 5 favorite movies ever. 8D


      YES I DID!!! IT WAS SO GOOD. <\\3

      Ooh really??? YES SAME SAME. <333

  3. Oh, have you listened to Lindsey's album Artemis? I was super excited about it, due for my love of Greek mythology (and of course the goddess, Artemis.)
    But I did think the Switchfoot and Lindsey Stirling song was good (even if it wasn't my favorite of her music.)

    My November went well, I am nowhere near done writing my novel, because a lot more has to happen in it before it actually ends, a group of characters needs to come together (but writing the entrances for them is so hard), how did your NaNoWrimo go?

    1. Part of it!!! It's really good. <33 Ooooh yes!!!
      Ahhhhh yeeeeee!!! :-D

      Oh yayay!!! Oh wow, I feel you. X'D Mine didn't go so swimmingly-I hardly wrote anything due to my business. X'D But that's okay. XP


    My November was good. I started working on the Christmas show I'm in (I sing "White Christmas" and am in the play and group dance).
    I watched a lot of shows, read some good books, and made the ridiculous goal to memorize the lyrics of every Taylor Swift song before January.

      Ohhh yay!!! Oh wow that sounds so cool!!! :-O
      Awesome!!! Omw, that is quite an accomplishment. :-O X'D


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