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Wrap Up February; Hello March!

Greetings, all!

Well; I had a pretty good month. I didn’t get very much writing or reading done, but did get a ton of physical exercise in. XD Our February weather was very unusual; for much of the month we had clear skies and beautiful 50-degree days; and then…we got snow last week. XP Finally it’s March though; Spring is coming! (Well, for some of us anyway; for you Australians it’s the other way around. XD)

February Songs:

Shut Up and Dance covered by Simply Three

This cover is awesome. I love Simply Three.

London Calling-Star Trek: Into Darkness by Michael Giacchino

I LOVE this song. The piano part is SO pretty.

When Can I See You Again by Owl City

I don’t normally listen to this type of music; but this song came on one of my radio stations and now it’s one of my favs. 

February Movies:

Star Trek (2009)
One of my favs. :-D

Back to the Future 3
 My family loved this one.

The Star

This movie was so cute! <3

February Books:

Andrea Carter and the Dangerous Decision by Susan K. Marlow

Andrea Carter and the Trouble with Treasure by Susan K. Marlow

A Raider’s Promise by Lois Walfrid Duncan

Saint by Ted Dekker

February Events:

Super Bowl: For the Super Bowl we had friends over to play, eat snacks, and watch Star Trek. XD

Valentine’s Day: Valentine’s Day was fun at our house; we made a heart cake, had shrimp pasta, my siblings and I made cards for each other, and my mom and dad surprised us with Star Wars Valentine’s at breakfast. :-D

 Passing out Door Hangers: My brother and I passed out door hangers for hours this month. We’re being paid to advertise for our Martial Arts Dojo; and I prefer passing out door hangers over flyers (because you don’t have to talk to people when you do door hangers XP).

 Board Break-a-Thon: I had to recruit sponsors to pay for boards for me to break at our Dojo’s Board Break-A-Thon. I got five boards paid for; and broke them in front of my family. It was fun (and it didn’t hurt!). XD

Arcade with Friends: On Tuesday, we went to an arcade with a group of friends. It was so much fun; laser tag, video games, rock climbing, ball shooting, and a 3D shooting ride (it’s the only thing I actually won XD).

February Writing:

I only wrote about 1,562 words this month; unfortunately. :-( I am nearing the completion of Mission: Metal though!!! XD I can’t wait to finish it and start the rewriting process.

I don’t have a February Gif; so instead I have these adorable short videos about Lucas the Spider that you must watch. :-D <3

So, tell me; how was your month? Did you do anything fun and exciting? Did you all have a good Valentine’s day? Has anyone else seen The Star? And how do you like my new blog design and header?



  1. I haven't seen The Star is it good? Lucas the spider so cute...
    it sounds like you had an amazing February, I hope you have an amazing March too!:)
    Also are you excited for Camp NaNo?

    1. Oh my word yes; it was one of the best kid's Christmas movies I've seen. <3 I know!!! I love him. <333 I did! Thank you! I hope you have an amazing March too! I would be; I just don't think I'll be able to do the April one. :-( I really wish I could though. Are you excited for it? :-D

  2. Back to the Future though. I love that moviiiiie. XD

  3. I love your new header!! It's fantastic! The look is great and it goes with your title really well. (I haven't seen Sherlock but I love the original Sherlock Holmes.)

    Oh my goodness, Shut Up and Dance has been stuck in my head all month, ever since a friend sent me this video... That's a really cool arrangement.

    Also awww, Lucas the spider! I hate spiders with a passion but that one is adorable...if only spiders really looked like that. :)

    1. Thank you, Anna!!! I haven't seen Sherlock either, but I'm going to watch it soon. The Sherlock Holmes books are some of my favs. <3 :-D
      Haha, that video was awesome! XD I love Simply Three's music.
      I know, right?!?! I would love them if they all looked like that. <3333

  4. I really want to watch the rest of the Back to the Future movies, but I've only seen part of the first one. :'(
    LOL passing out door hangers sounds a lot better than having to give out flyers and talk to people. XD I can relate.
    I didn't write very much this past month either. I had intended on getting A LOT of writing done, but then I broke my arm or seperated my shoulder and so... that didn't happen.

    1. I've heard they are pretty inappropriate. XD
      YES THEY ARE. *nods emphatically*

  5. I love the new design!! Sounds like you had a great month. My February was fairly busy and March promises to to be even more crazy...


    1. Thanks, Catherine!!! I did! Aw, I hope you're not too busy. :-)

  6. Lucas the spider is soooo cute especially the first one!!! I love the new heading. hope you have a good March.

    1. YES I KNOW!!! I LOVE HIM!!! <3
      Thanks! I had fun making it. Hope you have a good March too!

  7. Yes-- Lucas the spider! So cute. XD
    My February was... Hm. Busy xP and exhuasting. But that part is mostly over now, so yay! Glad you had a great month :D

    (P.S Also I noticed from your reply to Quinley's comment that you possibly won't be joining us for Camp Nano in April?? D:)

    1. HE IS!!! <3 Yay! I'm glad it's over for you. :-D Thanks! I hope your March is awesome. XD
      (Possibly; our April is always SUPER busy. I'll have to check with my parents as to whether or not I could make it fit with our schedule. If not, I'll definitely be in the July one. :-D)


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